This means that companies using Power BI will be able to use ExpressRoute to establish a private, managed connection to Power BI. Additionally, we already have an update to the RLS preview we announced in our last blog post, and a small update to video tiles on the dashboard. » Δι...
When you create visuals, Power BI Desktop aggregates your data into groups, based on the values that it finds in the underlying data. You can refine how those default groups are presented. You can also create new groups by grouping two or more data points in a visual or putting values in...
GET{groupId}/datasets Parametri dell'URI NomeInNecessarioTipoDescrizione groupId pathTrue string uuid ID area di lavoro Risposte Espandi la tabella NomeTipoDescrizione 200 OK Datasets OK Esempio ...
例如,在 Power BI 隐式度量值是在用户将列拖动到视觉对象上以查看聚合值时创建的,而无需创建显式度量值。目前,Power BI 为作为内联 DAX 计算编写的隐式度量值生成 DAX-这意味着隐式度量值不能与计算组一起使用。已在表格对象模型(TOM)中看到一个新的模型属性, DiscourageImplicitMeasures。目前,若要创建计算组...
若要导入大小在 1 GB 到 10 GB 之间的大型 Power BI .pbix 文件,请参阅Create组中的临时上传位置和导入大型文件 PowerShell 脚本。 仅高级容量工作区支持此功能。 若要从model.json文件创建数据流,请将 设置为 datasetDisplayNamemodel.json,如 URI 参数中所述。 权限 此API 调用可由服务主体配置文件调用。
Power BI Service May Update: File Size Increase to 1 GB Announcements 五月16, 2016 由Amanda Cofsky We have heard your feedback and we are pleased to announce that you can now upload files to Power BI up to 1 GB in size. We also have several more improvements to our RLS and Analyze...
GET{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/users Paramètres URI NomDansObligatoireTypeDescription datasetId pathTrue string ID du jeu de données groupId pathTrue string uuid L’ID de l’espace de travail ...
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data ToolsIn paginated reports, a recursive hierarchy group organizes data from a single report dataset that includes multiple hierarchical levels, such as the report-to structure for manager-employee ...
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data ToolsIn paginated reports, a recursive hierarchy group organizes data from a single report dataset that includes multiple hierarchical levels, such as the report-to structure for manager-employee ...
这两天在给Power BI Desktop换数据源。从Netezza数据库换到DB2.因为最开始开发Power BI报表的时候,还不支持直接连接Netezza数据库,都是用ODBC的。理论上来说,换起来超简单的。不过,我昨天大多时间都在安装和卸…