Power BI is an incredibly powerful data visualization tool that can help you transform and make sense of raw data. One of the key features that makes Power BI so useful is its ability to group data dynamically. Grouping data helps in identifying patterns and trends that would otherwise not be...
Plan to migrate .rdl reports to Power BI Report pagination Default system credentials for web proxy Enter data directly in a paginated report Edit a paginated report from the Power BI service Create a report with a Power BI shared semantic model ...
Power BI GROUP BYis a function used in the query editor or in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to combine data based on certain criteria. ThePower BI GROUPBY DAXfunction groups data by gathering information from two different tables. Syntax: GROUPBY ( [, <groupBy_columnName> [, <groupBy_colu...
This property will be removed from the payload response in an upcoming release. You can retrieve user information on a Power BI item (such as a report or a dashboard) by using the Get Dataset Users as Admin API, or the PostWorkspaceInfo API with the getArtifactUsers parameter. webUrl ...
In celebration of the start of the Power BI World Tour, and thanks to the new Power BI custom connectors, I was able to create my own custom connector, get the data from the PUGs that I found on meetup.com, create a really simple data model, and then create the report included in ...
Service: Power BI REST APIs API Version: v1.0 从指定的工作区返回指定的导入。 权限 此API 调用可由服务主体配置文件调用。 有关详细信息,请参阅:Power BI Embedded 中的服务主体配置文件。 所需范围 Dataset.ReadWrite.All 或 Dataset.Read.All HTTP 复制 试用 GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/my...
这两天在给Power BI Desktop换数据源。从Netezza数据库换到DB2.因为最开始开发Power BI报表的时候,还不支持直接连接Netezza数据库,都是用ODBC的。理论上来说,换起来超简单的。不过,我昨天大多时间都在安装和卸…
This means that companies using Power BI will be able to use ExpressRoute to establish a private, managed connection to Power BI. Additionally, we already have an update to the RLS preview we announced in our last blog post, and a small update to video tiles on the dashboard. » ק...
Power BI Calculation Group 计算组解决了复杂模型中的问题,在这种模型中,可以使用相同的计算(最常见的时间智能计算)来增加冗余度量值。例如,销售分析人员想要按月份截止日期(MTD)、季度截止到现在(QTD)、年初至今(YTD)、本年迄今订单(PY)等来查看销售总额和订单,等等。数据建模器必须为每个计算创建单独的度量值,这...
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/f089354e-8366-4e18-aea3-4cb4a3a50b48/reports Sample Response Status code: 200 JSON {"value": [ {"datasetId":"cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229","id":"5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715","name":"SalesMarketing","webUrl"...