1 dplyr包中的group_by联合summarize 1.1 group_by语法 group_by(.data, ...,) data为数据集 ...为分组变量,可以是一个也可以是多个,多个的话以逗号分割group_by(mtcars, vs, am) 1.2 summarise语法 summarise(.data, ...) data为数据集,如果data被group_by定义分组,则根据分组变量分组计算 ...为计算...
table("text.txt",header = T,sep = "\t") > myda <- group_by(rt,Tumor_Sample) #如果要求和谁,就group_by谁 > realdata <- summarise(myda,naw=sum(score)) > realdata # A tibble: 491 x 2 Tumor_Sample naw <fct> <dbl> 1 TCGA-18-3406 95.7 2 TCGA-18-3407 31.1 3 TCGA-18-3408...
data为数据集,如果data被group_by定义分组,则根据分组变量分组计算...为计算函数,可以是一个也可以是多个,多个的话以逗号分割summarise(data,disp=mean(disp),hp=mean(hp))summarise计算函数Useful functions拓展Center:mean(),median()Spread:sd(),IQR(),mad()Range:min(),max(),quantile()Position:first(),...
Viewed 369k times Part of R Language Collective 158 I have a dataframe and I would like to count the number of rows within each group. I reguarly use the aggregate function to sum data as follows: df2 <- aggregate(x ~ Year + Month, data = df1, sum) Now, I would like to coun...
select city.name as name, sum(count) as views from profpostview inner join professional as prof on prof.pfid = profpostview.viewerpfid left join cityinfo as city on city.cityid = prof.cityid where pfpid = _pfpid group by name order by views desc; output: **name , views** 'Ah...
Furthermore, note that the groups SU(2) and SO(3) have the same Lie algebra. In the three preceding examples, the fields R and C can be replaced by another field K yielding other groups, i.e. GLnK, SLnK, etc. View chapter Chapter Grand unification Leptons and Quarks Book1984, ...
The DMRG-AC recovers the correlation energy missing in the underlying DMRG model and the total electronic energy follows as the sum (6.104)E=EDMRG+EcorrAC. Given approach is based on the partitioning of the Hamiltonian Hˆ=Hˆ(0)+Hˆ′, where Hˆ(0) comprises only two terms, on...
.group_colmeasure# rowsmean(score)sum(score)# diag_x# diag_y# diag_z .coll_groups SD 0 3.71 22.2 0.577 0.577 1.16 Recommended: By enabling the auto_tune setting, we often get a much better balance. balance() Uses up- and/or downsampling to fix the group sizes to the min, max, ...
sum(!is.na(x)) :返回非缺失值的梳理; n_distinct(x):返回 唯一值的数量。 iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarise( n_pet_len = n(), noNA_n_pet_len = sum(!is.na(Petal.Length)), Petal.Length_uniq_n = n_distinct(Petal.Length) ) # A tibble: 3 x 4 # Species n_pet_len...
Ore to be quasinormal in a group if it permuted with all subgroups of the group, and he proved [5] that such a subgroup is subnormal (= subinvariant = accessible) in a finite group. Finite groups in which all subgroups are quasinormal were classified by K. Iwasawa [3], and more ...