Identify the ion with a ground state electron configuration of [Ar]3d4 and a charge of 3+. Ground State Electron Configuration:The electrons are filled in the difference orbital by following certain rules, that are Hund's rule (every degenerate orbital can be occu...
Table 1 Dimerisation. Energy difference and summed atomic displacements (ΣDisp.) between the ground stateaidentified by our method and the metastable configurationbfound when relaxing the ideal, undistorted defect structure (i.e., ΔE = Eground − Emetastable). The column ‘Prev. rep...
Relativistic Hartree-Fock energies and oscillator strengths for some ions with ns2np (n=4minus;6) ground-state configurationOscillator StrengthsThe lowest s and p levels in the spectra of ions isoelectronic with gallium, indium and thallium Ge(II) through Se(IV), Sn(II) through Te(IV), Pb...
are connected in the phase diagram and exhibit similar magnetic field response approaching zero temperature. Namely, within a finite regime of the anomalous metal state, the longitudinal resistivity linearly depends on the field while the Hall resistivity diminishes, indicating an emergent particle-hole ...
These tests are introduced to many areas of petroleum industry such as core sample analysis in core flood experiments, identifying different types of oil and drilling fluid characterizations (He and Stephens, 2011). The EDX is associated with electron microscopy in that the presence of elements in...
Connie Chang-Hasnain’s team at the University of California, Berkeley, grew hexagonal nanopillars of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) onto the surface of silicon, resulting in an efficient light-trapping optical cavity. Courtesy of UC Berkeley. ...
The another strong beta emitter of interest is 137137Cs. It is a fission product which decays by beta emission to the metastable isomer barium-137, which returns to its groundstate via the emission of a 0.661 MeV photon. At Sellafield, 137137Cs is typically found in very low concentrations...