Grizzly Man: Regia di Werner Herzog. Con Werner Herzog, Carol Dexter, Val Dexter, Sam Egli. Nell'estate del 1990 Timothy Treadwell si avventura in Alaska per vivere insieme agli orsi grizzly. Da allora fa ritorno ogni anno per documentarne da vicino le a
GRIZZLY ENDING; Bond Pal Eaten Alive by Giant 1,000lb Bear
A false scare follows, as Ranger Tom appears on horseback, checking on their plans and reminding them to report at the ranger station when they get down. Red-Shirt then starts cleaning up, while Pink-Shirt seizes a roll of toilet paper and (thankfully) heads off camera, commenting, “I’...
As fate would have it, Treadwell's video camera was running at the time of his death and captured the audio of his and Huguenard's last moments. The lens cap had not been removed meaning that, thankfully, there is no video footage of the two terrible deaths. At the time of its rel...
Byline: By DENNIS ELLAMSunday Mirror (London, England)
(Grizzly Man 2005, 00:24:22). This is one of the decisive aspects of Treadwell's raw footage: Installed on a tripod, the camera constitutes an ambiguous, dynamic space that is habituated both by human and nonhuman agents. Treadwell's footage shows him, brown bears, and other animals ...