Grizzly Man: Regia di Werner Herzog. Con Werner Herzog, Carol Dexter, Val Dexter, Sam Egli. Nell'estate del 1990 Timothy Treadwell si avventura in Alaska per vivere insieme agli orsi grizzly. Da allora fa ritorno ogni anno per documentarne da vicino le a
If nothing else, this scene proves that Arthur Scott is lot more polite thanIam, since he doesn’t respond by shrieking with uncontrollable laughter at the thought ofa herd of man-eating grizzly bears, as I always do, but rather confines himself to the exquisite understatement of, “That’s...
There wasn’t one of them books that didn’t say the grizzly wasn’t the fiercest, man-eatingest cuss alive. He ain’t–unless you corner ‘im. He’s as cur’ous as a kid, an’ he’s good-natured if you don’t bother ‘im. Most of ’em are vegetarians, but some of ’em ...
AlthoughGrizzly Mancertainly provides a sense of who Timothy Treadwell was in the years preceding his death, there is little information about how he became that person. He had changed his surname, changed professions, and generally lived the life of a dilettante until taking up the cause of b...
humanities Article Whiteout: Animal Traces in Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man and Encounters at the End of the World Oliver Völker Department of Comparative Literature, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, 60598 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Received: 31 July 2017; Accepted:...