Colt SAA and on some of the Colt copies. With Colt COPIES It is best to send us a tracing of your grip before you order so we can be sure of a good fit. On the inside of the grip is a locator pin hole, that will match up with your Colt pin. You may have to adjust the a...
"Manufacturing & Selling Stag Grips For Colt, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Remington, Uberti, Pietta, FN Browning, High Standard, Walther, Luger, Astra, Taurus, US Firearms, H&R, Hawes Western, VA Dragoon."
000 sets. The first pair of grips he made for me more than 50 years ago was a one-piece Pau Ferro exotic wood for a Colt SAA .44 Special. These grips are still in use on the special .44 Special and still look as good as they did more than half a century ago....
Grashorns Gunworks LLC - Patrick is dedicated to making the very finest Elk, Bone, and Horn grips available today, regardless of the price. These are grips that are handmade by shooters for shooters.