Colt SAA and on some of the Colt copies. With Colt COPIES It is best to send us a tracing of your grip before you order so we can be sure of a good fit. On the inside of the grip is a locator pin hole, that will match up with your Colt pin. You may have to adjust the a...
000 sets. The first pair of grips he made for me more than 50 years ago was a one-piece Pau Ferro exotic wood for a Colt SAA .44 Special. These grips are still in use on the special .44 Special and still look as good as they did more than half a century ago....
Security Six$215Gallery / Online Ordering UbertiCattleman / Model P $250 Gallery / Online Ordering PiettaCimarron Frontier / EMF GWII 1873 SAA $250 Gallery / Online Ordering ColtSAA and New Frontier $250 Gallery / Online Ordering USFAUS model SAA / Rodeo ...
"Manufacturing & Selling Stag Grips For Colt, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Remington, Uberti, Pietta, FN Browning, High Standard, Walther, Luger, Astra, Taurus, US Firearms, H&R, Hawes Western, VA Dragoon."
Grashorns Gunworks LLC - Patrick is dedicated to making the very finest Elk, Bone, and Horn grips available today, regardless of the price. These are grips that are handmade by shooters for shooters.