Masters of Chant: Chapter IV Masters of Chant: Chapter IV 2003年 Sadisfaction Sadisfaction 1991年 你可能也喜欢 Gregorian Gold Volume 1 Gregorian Gold Volume 1 The Chant Masters The Fairest of the Seasons The Fairest of the Seasons Amelia Brightman Modern Hits Modern Hits Gregorian Choir ...
• how and why the work of the Abbey of Solesmes in the 19thcentury standardised previously diverse, varied and rich traditions of singing; • the plainness of modern chant compared to the emotional vitality of medieval singing; • ways to make sense rhythmically of chant written non-mensur...
(Music, other) another name forplainsong Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Grego′rian chant′ n. the plainsong formerly used in the ritual of the Roman Catholic Ch...
Gregorian Chant, David Hiley's contribution to the Cambridge Introductions to Music series, offers an ideal balance of authoritative scholarship and accessibility. Although Hiley's book is intended as an introduction for non-specialists, the autho...
Neumz is the largest recording project ever undertaken: the complete Gregorian Chant, sung by the community of Benedictine nuns in Jouques, France.
作者: G Chant 摘要: is the central tradition of Western plainchant, a form of monophonic music within Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual services. It is named after , Bishop of Rome from 590 to 604, who is traditionally credited for having ordered ...
Gregorian Chant. The name is often taken as synonymous with plain chant (q.v.), comprising not only the Church music of the early Middle Ages, but also later compositions (elaborate melodies for the Ordinary of the Mass, sequences, etc.) written in a similar style down to the sixteenth ...
The feast day of St. Gregory on Sept. 3 falls at the time of year when church choirs are reconvening for rehearsal. Thus it is a good time to look into the music named after that saint: Gregorian chant. Gregorian chant is often the most dreaded topic in music...
In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Gregorian Chant , David Hiley's contribution to the Cambridge Introductions to Music series, offers an ideal balance of authoritative scholarship and accessibility. Although Hiley's book is intended as an introduction for non-specialists,...
Traditional Catholic Gregorian chant in Latin including vespers, Marian hymns, Divine Office, Mass propers. Seminarians sing plainchant during Liturgy. Solesmes style sacred music with organ accompaniment. Traditional Catholic books, booklets.