But it was impossible that music also should not sooner or later feel the transfiguring touch of the new human impulse. The placid44, austere45 expression of the clerical style, the indefinite forms, the Gregorian modes precluding46 free dissonance and regulated chromatic47 change, were incapable...
He needs to supplement nature with the works of his hands—clothing, everyday objects, and buildings. Living in the world has a hierarchical structure: the lowest level is the space associated with physical presence, above which is vision—related to the concept of form that constitutes the ...
He needs to supplement nature with the works of his hands—clothing, everyday objects, and buildings. Living in the world has a hierarchical structure: the lowest level is the space associated with physical presence, above which is vision—related to the concept of form that constitutes the ...
Knowledge has no light but that shed on the world by redemption: all else is reconstruction, mere technique. Perspectives must be fashioned that displace and estrange the world, reveal it to be, with its rifts and crevices, as indigent and distorted as it will appear one day in the ...