"What do you do for a living?" You can respond to this by saying, 你可以这样回答, "I work at a restaurant." "I work at a bank." "I work in a software company." "I'm a dentist." Usually, you will not need to ask for a name. It is implied that each person should say th...
"What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?" If you see the person at a restaurant, you can say, 如果你在餐馆里看到这个人,你可以说, "Do you come to this restaurant often?" Or at the movie theater, ...
5) Would you mind sharing a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗? 6) Some other guests wish to join this table. 别的客人想跟您共享这张桌子。 7) Would you mind moving over a little? 您介意移过去一点吗? 8) Another guest wishes to sit at the counter. Could you move down one seat, please? 另...
•Greettheguestwithin15seconds15秒内与宾客打招呼•Asktheguestsomeinformation询问宾客信息•Guidetheguesttohisseat引领宾客人入座•Drawthechairfortheguest为宾客拉桌子•Helptheguestleavetheseat照料宾客离席•Thanktheguestforhavingamealattherestaurant 再次向宾客表示感谢•Seetheguestoffwarmly热情地欢送客人...
3.Guests should be properly guided if they are not familiar with the outlet or restaurant. Engage guest in conversation if new or repeat guest to build a relationship. When taking the guest to their table/seat, walk slowly in front of guests at least a meter away. 4.Seat guests and offe...
Dinner as Global Greeting at Viet Nam Restaurant, the Welcome Is as Fresh as the FoodThere's a difference between a great meal and a great diningexperience. A great meal, one of...Hegger, Susan C
Dining: Ordering at a Chinese Restaurant Chinese Phrases / Sentences Pinyin / How to Pronounce Corresponding English Phrases / Sentences 请给我菜单 Qǐng gěi wǒcài dān May I have a menu, please? 你想喝点什么? Nǐ xiǎng hē diǎn shén me? Would you like something to drink? 我...
What is the main ide a of the passage? D A. Some Chinese expressions are introduced into English. B. You'll not be surprised at a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant in America. C. Some American expressions can be used in China. D. American English keeps being enriched ...
SampleofTask5WewilltakethisoneatpresentMr.andMrs.Brownentertherestaurantandaheadwaitergoesforwardtogreet them.Waiter:Goodevening,madamandsir.Haveyougotareservation?Brown:Oh,I’mafraidnot.Waiter:Allright.Howmany,please?Brown:Atablefortwo,please.Waiter:Wouldyoupleasecomewithme?Howaboutthisone,sir?Brown:It...
6. The greeting I received from the host at the restaurant was so welcoming that I knew I was in for a great meal. 7. I always appreciate a friendly greeting from my neighbors when I see them outside. 8. The greeting I received from the flight attendant made me feel like a valued ...