The design and effects of different schemes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and consumption of electricity are modelled. The tax scheme achieves the lowest cost per unit emission reduction because it encourages both businesses and consumers to reduce emissions, and the...
OrganizationalPolicyDocument OrganizationalPolicyGreenhouseGasMetricLink OrganizationalPolicyHealthSafetyTrainingMetric OrganizationalPolicyMatter OrganizationalPolicyPartyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicyProject OrganizationalPolicyRelatedParty OrganizationalPolicyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicyResponsibleSourcingMetric Organizational...
OrganizationalPolicyDataPrivacyMetric OrganizationalPolicyDocument OrganizationalPolicyGreenhouseGasMetricLink OrganizationalPolicyHealthSafetyTrainingMetric OrganizationalPolicyMatter OrganizationalPolicyPartyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicyProject OrganizationalPolicyRelatedParty OrganizationalPolicyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicy...
国内外温室气体减排政策 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Policies at Home and Abroad,国内外温室气体减排政策 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Policies..
Greenhouse gas emissione (排物) would rise if all farms in England and says Smith. People might choose organic food for other reason Males went onganic. Though the emissions of each farm would go down, much reduce their pesticide exposure (though contrary to popular b more food would have ...
POSCO is South Korea’s primary program for energy conservation and emission reduction. The plan is divided into three parts; reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the workplace, reducing social greenhouse gas emissions, and policy cooperation onclimate change. The project has led to the development ...
双碳词汇:Greenhouse Gas Emission 温室气体排放 Greenhouse Gas Emission 温室气体排放 温室气体排放在中国也叫“碳排放”,一般是指特定时段内由于煤炭、天然气、石油等化石能源燃烧活动和工业生产过程以及土地利用、土地利用变化与林业活动等释放到大气中的温室气体总量(以质量单位计算)。
The research on the issues on greenhouse gases emissions reduction policies has become one of hot topics in the area of energy policy and environmental management. Many models and theories based on different options try to find some abatement measures which will not only reduce emissions for mitigat...
OrganizationalPolicyGreenhouseGasMetricLink OrganizationalPolicyHealthSafetyTrainingMetric OrganizationalPolicyMatter OrganizationalPolicyPartyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicyProject OrganizationalPolicyRelatedParty OrganizationalPolicyRelationshipType OrganizationalPolicyResponsibleSourcingMetric OrganizationalPolicyServiceDisruptionMetric...