This paper highlights the emergence of green hydrogen as an eco-friendly and renewable energy carrier, offering a promising opportunity for an energy trans
Green hydrogen from electrolysis of water has attracted widespread attention as a renewable power source. Among several hydrogen production methods, it has become the most promising technology. However, there is no large-scale renewable hydrogen production system currently that can compete with conventiona...
Conclusions: derived research agenda for an aviation-specific hydrogen infrastructure In this paper, the implications of introducing H2 propulsion for larger commercial aircraft and the role of a H2 infrastructure were investigated. It was shown that operational costs for H2-powered aircraft could differ...
The synthesis process of Ru/g-C3N4-H2 catalyst included synthesis of bulk g-C3N4, nanosheet g-C3N4-H2 though hydrogen thermal exfoliation and Ru loading by ultrasonic assisted impregnation-deposition method. The loadings of Ru were based on the total weight of the catalyst. The details of prepar...
Green hydrogen is critical for decarbonizing hard-to-electrify sectors, but it faces high costs and investment risks. Here we define and quantify the green hydrogen ambition and implementation gap, showing that meeting hydrogen expectations will remain c
Surprisingly, Pt-decorated on the walls of CNTs delivered a high catalytic performance in methanol oxidation reaction (MOR)27, dispersed gold nanoparticles on CNTs is good immunosensor as the pristine one28 where as Co-doped Ni3S2@CNT arrays anchored on carbon nanotubes delivered more hydrogen ...
The potential energy role of hydrogen is significant. The IEA’s paper Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, says that hydrogen “will extend to several parts of the energy sector and grow sixfold from today’s (dirty hydrogen) levels to meet 10% of total final ener...
Good examples are cyanogenic glycosides, which can liberate hydrogen cyanide to help protect plants under herbivore attack. Although the anti-herbivore effects of such compounds was suggested over a hundred years ago, many scientists remained sceptical because such plants were not perfectly protected ...
Research articleAbstract only Triggering inert desert sand toward a low-cost and efficient cocatalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions Junqing Wang, Fang Wang, Zhengguo Zhang, Shixiong Min Pages 9757-9767 Article preview Abstract Graphical abstract Desert sand (DS), an abundant but nuisanc...
Martin, Cox’sbazer, and Chattogram for green hydrogen production is very promising to solve the power demand scarcity of Bangladesh. Hydrogen gas turbine and hydrogen fuel cell configured power plant performances are studied to observe the feasibility/prospect to the green energy transition. The ...