Cite this paper He, Y., Wu, B., Wang, H., Zhao, P., Li, Y. (2013). Practical Research on Hydrogen Safety of Fuel Cell Vehicles. In: Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 192. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi...
In addition, this paper also evaluates the impact of the hydrogen sulphide in mines on the environment and health. This paper outlines a systematic research framework regarding hydrogen sulphide in mines and assesses the interrelationship between subtopics within this system framework. Currently, the ...
As the liner material of type IV hydrogen storage tank, polymer is restricted in commercial application due to its high hydrogen permeability. In this paper, for the first time, the suitability of polyamide 6 (PA6) filled with lamellar inorganic components (LIC) as the hydrogen storage tank lin...
The photosynthetic growth and hydrogen production of Rhodobacter Capsulatus mutants (IR1,IR3,IR4,JP91), grown in a culture with 30 mmol L~(-1) DL-Lactate and 5 mmol L~(-1) L-Glutamate as the carbon and nitrogen source, were investigated. Their growth were measured by monitoring the inc...
Therefore, it is essential to keep abreast of the latest technology and application status of high-pressure gaseous and liquid hydrogen storage and transportation. The first part of this paper reviews the technology, equipment, and application progress of high-pressure hydrogen storage and ...
Hydrogen is a key component of our sustainable economy, and this article gives a broad overview of the process from production to consumption, touching on technical, economic, and environmental concerns along the way. We have made an attempt in this paper to compile different methods for the ...
Hydrogen storage material is the foundation in using the clean energy-hydrogen;the technologies of its preparation and application are developing rapidly.This paper summarized recent research developments of several kinds of mainly used hydrogen storage materials,such as metal alloy,carbon nanotube,complex...
This paper mainly discusses the research status of hydrogen electrode materials for alkaline water electrolysis. Based on the major improvement of catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction,this paper mainly focuses on the electrodepositing preparation method for three kinds of nickel-based ...
Hydrogenase Averyimportantandinterestingpaperwassubmittedby R.P.Happein'Nature',385,126,'97.Hesays,theoldest lifeforms'Desulfovibriogigas(3.8billionyearsold)',had developedanenzymehydrogenasetoactivatehydrogen, namelytosplitmolecularhydrogentoatomicoractive ...
research on the application of new inorganic chemistry techniques in heat processing and related textbooks is almost blank. This paper briefly describes the reaction mechanism in heat processing using inorganic chemical reaction principles to solve the problem of applying chemistry in production.KEYWORDS In...