Green algaeare the most diverse of the algal groups, with at least 7000 species. Most are aquatic, but many are found in a variety of habitats that include soils, tree bark, snow, and in symbiotic relationships with a variety of organisms ranging from fungi (forming lichens;Fig. 7.1L) to...
Nutritional and bioactive properties of three edible species of green algae, genus Caulerpa (Caulerpaceae). J. Appl. Phycol. 26, 1019-1027.Nagappan T, Vairappan C. 2014. Nutritional and bioactive properties of threeedible species of green algae, genus Caulerpa (Caulerpaceae).Jurnal of Applied...
New Taxa of Streptophyte Algae (Streptophyta) from Terrestrial Habitats Revealed Using an Integrative Approach Two new genera (StreptosarcinaandStreptofilum) and three new species (Streptosarcina arenaria,S. costaricanaandStreptofilum capillatum) of streptophyte alg... T Mikhailyuk,A Luke?Ová...
SUMMARY: The growth of microcolonies of six strains of unicellular blue-green algae was studied by time-lapse photomicrography. The four rod-shaped strains divided regularly in a plane perpendicular to the long axis of the cell; one spherical strain divided successively in two planes, and one ...
Green algae have been treated for a long time as “free living choroplasts” and therefore used as model organisms in photosynthesis research. However, recent progress has provided evidence that they have a paraphyletic origin, resulting in a wide array
The genus (ex. Sedum) is the unique name followed by the species (ex. reflexum). The first letter of the genus is capitalized and the species in small letters. Most of these names have their origin in Latin or Greek, are combinations of languages or words, the name of somebody who ...
Green algae belong to Monostroma genus, and are commercially cultivated in East Asia and South America for edible purposes, as popular sushi wraps. Rhamnan sulphate (RS) is a sulphate polysaccharide comprising l-rhamnose and sulphated l-rhamnose found in green algae, and was purified as the ma...
Dalton R: Researchers Criticize Response to Killer Algae. Nature 2000; 406: 447. Kaiser J: California algae may be feared European species. Science 2000; 289: 222-3. Santos AG and Doty MS: Chemical studies on three species of the marine algae genusCaulerpa. In: (H, D. Freudenlhal....
Freshwater green algae of the Haematococcus lacustris species complex are known for their ability to accumulate the secondary carotenoid astaxanthin, which has various industrial applications. Survival of H. lacustris in harsh environments is facilitated by the formation of desiccation-tolerant akinetes, wh...
Very recently, pigment composition analysis confirmed that Picocystis genus harbor monadoxanthin and diatoxanthin as accessory pigments (Lopes dos Santos et al., 2016). These pigments are usually found in cryptophytes or diatoms (Takaichi, 2011), algae that belong to the Red lineage, but have...