Scientific Name Common Name CHLOROPHYTA (Green algae) Bryopsis africana Sea moss Caulerpa filiformis Strap caulerpa ChaetomorphSargassum incisifolium
1.lawn,common,turf,sward,grassplota pageant on the village green Related words adjectiveverdant Shades of green almond green, apple green, aqua, aquamarine, avocado, celadon, chartreuse, citron, cyan, eau de nil, emerald green, jade, lime green, Lincoln green, Nile green, olive, pea green,...
Green algaerepresent a heterogeneous assemblage of organisms belonging to twolineages(Chlorophyta and Streptophyta) and currently classified into 12 different classes. Green algae with filamentous and plant-like habits are common in freshwater and terrestrial environments, where they play a key ecological...
a彩色面板系列 Colored kneading board series [translate] aPrevent growth of green algae 防止綠藻類成長 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙语翻译 葡萄牙语翻译 意大利语翻译 荷兰语翻译 瑞典语翻译 希腊语翻译 51La ...
Which group of algae appears to be most closely related to the ancestors of true plants? Name one feature that appears to be homologous. Which groups of algae produce the following important products: (1) agar, (2) align, (3) nerve poisons, (4)...
Green algae have been treated for a long time as “free living choroplasts” and therefore used as model organisms in photosynthesis research. However, recent progress has provided evidence that they have a paraphyletic origin, resulting in a wide array of different evolutionary lineages. This dive...
Related to Bluegreen algae:spirulina cy·a·no·bac·te·ri·um (sī′ə-nō-băk-tîr′ē-əm, sī-ăn′ō-)·a·no·bac·te·ri·a(-tîr′ē-ə) Any of various photosynthetic bacteria of the phylum Cyanobacteria that are generally blue-green in color and are ...
蓝藻(Bule-green algae)是一类原核生物,具有细菌的一些特征,因此又常称为蓝细菌。通常把感染蓝藻细胞的 DNA 病毒称为噬藻体,其增殖方式与噬菌体类似。用同位素标记法,检测噬藻体侵染蓝藻的过程,下列叙述正确的是 A. 噬藻体与蓝藻共有的细胞器是核糖体 B. 用 32P 标记噬藻体,保温时间过长,会使得沉淀中放射性...
Green algae are algae that derive their name from their green chloroplasts, ones that are similar to the chloroplasts found in land plants. And there, I sort of gave away a really key characteristic of green algae; some green algae are related more closely to land plants more so than they...
1.lawn,common,turf,sward,grassplota pageant on the village green Related words adjectiveverdant Shades of green almond green, apple green, aqua, aquamarine, avocado, celadon, chartreuse, citron, cyan, eau de nil, emerald green, jade, lime green, Lincoln green, Nile green, olive, pea green,...