Erato was one of the nine Muses, the ancient Greek goddesses of music, song and dance. In the Classical era, when the Muses were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Erato was named Muse of erotic poetry and mime, and represented with a lyre.
Love Poetry Star of Venus Identified with Foreign Goddesses Part 3: Aphrodite Family Genealogy Divine Offspring Mortal Offspring Family by Kingdom Part 4: Aphrodite Myths 1 General Birth of Aphrodite War of the Giants Flight from Typhoeus Creation of Pandora Feast of the Gods Birth of Priapus ...
When his poems were edited in Hellenistic Alexandria, they filled ten scrolls; the poetry of Alcaeus has survived only in quotations: "Fighting men are the city's fortress" and the like, so judging him, rather than his high reputation in antiquity, is like judging Ben Jonson through Bartlet...
Selene, a Titan goddess of the moon, fell in love with Endymion and requested that Zeus granted his son eternal youth. Based on its meaning, Endymion is associated with beauty and love. It’s perhaps too much for a first name but would make anunusual middle name. 15. Eros Eros translate...
My rating:5 of 5 stars DC Site If you love a good story, you really can’t go wrong with Gaiman. This volume consists of four standalone pieces of short fiction set in the Sandman universe. “Calliope,” like Greek Mythology, envisions an anthropomorphized muse, but takes the idea int...
power. Her reiterations in poetry are similarly rife with reflections on themes of longing, eternal love, and the silent observation of the human condition, presenting Selene as not only a celestial observer but also as a timeless confidante to the nocturnally inclined sufferers of love and ...
In ancient Greece an early distinction was made between the poetry chanted by a choir of singers (choral lyrics) and the song that expressed the sentiments of a single poet. The latter, themelos,or song proper, had reached a height of technical perfection in “the… ...
Sing, Muse, of the Hypotenuse: Influences of Poetry and Rhetoric on the Formation of Greek MathematicsApostolos DoxiadisMichalis Sialaros
Thalia Comedy (Pastoral Poetry) Comic Mask, Staff Clio History Laurel Crown, Scroll Urania Astronomy Globe Example: Homer addresses an unnamed goddess (θεά, theá) or the Muses (Μοῦσαι, Moûsai -- which gives us words like "museum" and "music") at the beginning of the Ilia...
of the time. In fact, they’ve even made it into today’s pop culture. Each of the nine muses were said to bring about creative inspiration and each muse had her specific role. Euterpe was the muse who was responsible for providing the inspiration for music, song, and lyric poetry. ...