One of the earliest of the ancient Greek writers of love poetry,S(人名)has had such a ptofound influence on later lyricpoets that she came to be known as "the tenth Muse"被画线的部分是has had such a ptofound influence 我选得是has so profoundly influenced正确答案是so profoundly influenced...
Love Poetry Star of Venus Identified with Foreign Goddesses Part 3: Aphrodite Family Genealogy Divine Offspring Mortal Offspring Family by Kingdom Part 4: Aphrodite Myths 1 General Birth of Aphrodite War of the Giants Flight from Typhoeus Creation of Pandora Feast of the Gods Birth of Priapus ...
Erato was one of the nine Muses, the ancient Greek goddesses of music, song and dance. In the Classical era, when the Muses were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Erato was named Muse of erotic poetry and mime, and represented with a lyre.
the god of the heaven and ruler of the Olympian gods lord of the sky, the rain god and the cloud gatherer His wielded thunderbolt His bird was the eagle, his tree the oak.Hera Queen of Heaven the supreme goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirth ...
Meaning: Muse of love poetry and marriage songs Description: She’s known as the patron of lyric and erotic poetry or hymns. Eris Origin: Greek Meaning: Goddess of chaos, discord, and strife Variations/Synonyms: Discordia (Roman) Description: She’s the daughter of Nyx (Night) and He...
Clio’s name originated from the Greek word Kleio, which means “to make someone famous.” Indeed, this Muse had the power to make people famous and renowned by immortalizing their deeds. Euterpe She was a Muse of lyric poetry and music, especially the flute. As such, she was often depi...
of 09 Erato Christos Santos/Getty Images Province: Muse of Erotic Poetry Attribute: Smaller lyre In addition to being the Muse of erotic and love poetry, Erato was also the patron of mime. Her name means "lovely," or "desirable."
Still, he fathered children by five of the nine Muses. Apollo’s Famous Children A great many of Apollo’s affairs, successful or unsuccessful, resulted in children. Following is an abbreviated list of the many women who bore the children of Apollo: Calliope (muse of epic poetry) – ...
Erato was the Muse of lyric poetry, this included love and erotic poetry and songs. She was the fourth born of the Nine Muses. Her name means “desired”. She is often shown wearing a wreath of myrtle and roses. She sometimes holds a lyre, or a small kithara. Other times she may be...
Ancient writers, particularly the Romans, often linked individual Muses with specific arts and sciences, but they did not agree on the functions of particular Muses. One widely reconized list identified Calliope as the Muse of heroic and epic poetry and associated Erato with lyric and love poetry...