Bia was the ancient Greek goddess or personified spirit of force, power, might, bodily strength and compulsion. She, her sister Nike (Victory), and brothers Cratus (Strength) and Zelus (Rivalry), were the winged enforcers of Zeus who stood in attendance
Kratos is the brother ofNike (Greek goddess of victory), Bia (Greek goddess of force), and Zelus (Greek god of rivalry). The four of them together were the first to stand withZeus (Greek mythology)as he defendedMount Olympusfrom thegod of monsters Typhon. This is a small, but critical...
Godchecker guide to Bia (also known as Bias), the Greek Goddess of Strength from Greek mythology. Goddess of Force
[before the commencement of battle], and then touching the bull's gore with their hands they swore an oath by Ares, by Enyo, and by Phobos (Rout) who delights in blood, that either they will level the city and sack the Kadmeans' (Cadmeans') town by force, or will in death smear...
Nike is the daughter of the river goddess,Styxand the Titan of battle and warcraft, Pallas (not to be confused with Athena's childhood friend-Pallas). Her sister isBia, the goddess of force, power and might and brothers are Kratos, the god of strength and Zelus, the god of zeal. She...
The River Styx runs through the Underworld and is in the charge of the Goddess of that name. She’s the daughter of the Ocean and — with her consort Pallas— has four formidable children: Bia (Force), Cratus (Might), Nike (Victory) and Zelus (Zeal). They helped the Olympian Gods in...
Bia - The goddess of force.Boreas - (a.k.a. Aquilo, Aquilon) The North Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).Brizo - Protector of Mariners.List of Greek Gods and Goddesses - CCaerus - (a.k.a. Kairos, Occasio, Tempus) The (minor) god of luck and opportunity....
The Role of Goddess Athena as Warrior and Protector The Warrior Goddess As awarrior goddess, Athena embodied a unique philosophical approach to conflict and protection. Though she emerged from Zeus’s head fully armed, she consistently championed wisdom and strategy over brute force. This preference...
Greek god of war Greek Goddess Greek Goddess Greek goddess of love Greek goddess of love Greek goddess of love Greek goddess of the dawn Greek goddess of the dawn Greek goddess of the dawn Greek Gods and Goddessess Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics Greek Graphic Designers Association Greek group...
Nike had no consort or children. She did have three brothers - Zelos (rivalry), Kratos (strength) and Bia (force). She and her siblings were close companions of Zeus. According to myth, Nike's mother Styx brought her children to Zeus when the god was assembling allies for the battle ag...