Hephaistos : Kratos (Power) and Bia (Force), for you indeed the behest of Zeus is now fulfilled, and nothing remains to stop you [i.e. you are now released from the appointed task]. But for me--I do not have the nerve myself to bind with force a kindred god upon this rocky cle...
Hephaistos : Kratos (Power) and Bia (Force), for you indeed the behest of Zeus is now fulfilled, and nothing remains to stop you. But for me--I do not have the nerve myself to bind with force a kindred god upon this rocky cleft assailed by cruel winter. Yet, come what may, I ...
Godchecker guide to Bia (also known as Bias), the Greek Goddess of Strength from Greek mythology. Goddess of Force
Greek mythology- the mythology of the ancient Greeks Trojan War- (Greek mythology) a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Hors...
Force me not yet to prophesy against my will. Not yet is the tripod seat at Pytho my care . . . Nevertheless I will speak unto thee a word more clear than shall be spoken from the laurel branch. Flee on! Swiftly shall I overtake thee and wash my bow in blood. Thou hast in thy ...
She remains a much-honored figure today among many women—celebrated as a positive force of female sexuality and the healing power of laughter. Her power and energy have survived in the spirits of women down through the centuries.
(yet cf. Meyer at the passage). As in Greek writers (Matthiae, § 148 Anm. 2, i., p. 354;Passow, under the word, p. 883), its force is sometimes so weakened that it scarcely differs from the simple person pronoun of the first person (yet denied by Meyer), asJohn 12:32;John...
203akrobystía– properly, uncircumcised; (figuratively) a personoutsideof God's covenant, i.e. who doesnotbelong tothe Seed(Christ, theMessiah). Physical circumcision is thevisible signof God's covenant, representing theopportunityfrom God tobelong to Himbypersonally receiving His offer of salva...
Nike is the daughter of the river goddess,Styxand the Titan of battle and warcraft, Pallas (not to be confused with Athena's childhood friend-Pallas). Her sister isBia, the goddess of force, power and might and brothers are Kratos, the god of strength and Zelus, the god of zeal. She...
Atropos- (a.k.a. Aisa, Morta) One of The Fates - She cut the thread of life and chose the manner of a persons death. Bia- The goddess of force. Brizo- A prophet goddess and protector of mariners, sailors, and fishermen. Greek Goddess Names C-G ...