The goddess Athena represents a thoughtful, measured approach to all things. She values those who utilize brain over brawn and often bestows special favor upon creators like artists and metalsmiths. Her legacy as a symbol of fierce intelligence is still felt today as she continues to be depicted...
He was born of Maia, the daughter of Atlas, when she had made with Zeus,--a shy goddess she. Ever she avoided the throng of the blessed gods and lived in a shadowy cave, and there Kronion (Cronion) [Zeus] used to lie with the rich-tressed Nymphe at dead of night, while white...
Hera was the queen of the gods and one of the most powerful figures in Greek mythology. She represented life and marriage to the Greeks and,...
The Romans identified their goddess Juno with the Greek Hera We still possess several representations of Hera. The noblest image, and which was afterwards looked upon as the ideal of the goddess, was the statue by Polycletus. She was usually represented as a majestic woman at a mature age, ...
Hera queen of the gods-goddess of marriage, female fertility-animal= cow, peacock Poseidon god of the sea-animal=horse-symbol= trident Hades god of the underworld-bident--> power of invisibility-pet= cerberus-dark, gloomy heart Hephaestus craftsman/smith of the gods-crippled-married to Aphrodite...
goddess of the hearth( 23、灶(灶台)台). the symbol of the housearound which a new born childis carried before it is received into the family. hestia hestia 赫斯提赫斯提亚亚 of all the olympians, she is the mildest, most upright and most charitable (仁慈的). son of zeus and hera. ...
The goddess Athena’s unique status is implicit in the story of her motherless birth (she sprang full-grown from Zeus’s forehead); and the myths of Apollo explain that god’s sacral associations, describe his remarkable victories over monsters and giants, and stress his jealousy and the ...
She was the Goddess of the Mediterranean Sea. Her symbol is the dolphin. The stories say that she was not a jealous wife, and didn't care if her husband slept with anyone else (except for Scylla, who she poisoned and turned into a sea-monster, unless of course that was Circe). Her...
Hera Facts and Figures Name: Hera Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Gender: Female Type: Goddess Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present Role: In charge of: Marriage Area of expertise: Marriage Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Popularity index: 17737 Hera Relationships...
Hera is the goddess of marriage. Her name means great lady, the feminine form of the Greek word hero. She represented the ideal woman...