Hercules had orders from the gods to complete a series of tasks, which included defeating the sea monster, Hydra. However, this creature was a beloved pet of Hera’s, so she created a giant Crab with menacing pinchers to aid her beloved sea creature in battle. Hercules ultimately prevailed...
they all depict the fruit as a symbol of love, desire, and abundance. InGreek mythology, the apple serves as a prominent symbol of courtship. It’s said that Gaia, the Primordial Goddess of Nature, gave apples to Hera during her wedding to signify lasting love and eternal ...
Paris, a Trojan prince, was asked to choose who was the most beautiful between the goddessesAphrodite, Athena, andHera. Paris could not choose as he found them all beautiful. Each of the goddesses then attempted to bribe him. Hera offered power over all of Asia and Europe; Aphrodite offered...
Though Zeus was married to the goddess Hera, Greek mythology is filled with tales of his extra-marital conquests. The Homeric Hymn to Selene states that Selene and Zeus had a daughter called Pandeia, whose name meant All-brightness. The Greek poet Alcman claims that Ersa, the morning dew, ...
Zeus, God of Lightning and the Sky, corresponds with Fire. Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Women, corresponds with Earth. Nestis, also Kore or Persephone the goddess of spring and the Underworld, aligns with Water. Aidoneus corresponds with Air. It is Plato who attributes the term elements to...
The Olympic flame is lit in front of the ruins of the Temple of Hera inOlympia, emphasizing the connection between the ancient Games and the modern Games. An actress playing a high priestess uses a parabolic mirror to focus the rays of the sun, igniting a flame. (In case of cloudy weath...
and peace. The beautiful white flowers of the lily were connected with these traits well before Jesus Christ. Many ancient allegories connect the flower with motherhood. One fable tells us that the lily sprang from the milk of Hera, the mythological Queen of Heaven. This may explain why the ...
Hera Symbols: Diadem, Scepter Animals: Peacock, Cow Trees & Plants: Lily, Orange. Secondary: Apple, Willow, Sikia, Myrrh. ATHENA (Latinizased to Minerva) Symbols: Aegis Animals: Owl, Snake Trees & Plants: Olive. Secondary: Oak, Birch, Stafragkatho, Mulberry. ...
From the beginning of time, the lily has been associated with feminine divinities. In ancient Crete, it represented the island’s reigning goddess. In ancient Greece, the lily was sacred to Hera, Queen of Heaven, and was said to have arisen from drops of breast milk as they fell to earth...