Digital ticket: Activate the pass on your smartphone and show it to board trains and buses seamlessly 5-day Kanto access: Travel on trains and Toei buses across the Kanto area for 5 consecutive days Extensive converage: Explore key destinations like Tokyo, Hakone, Kamakura, Nikko, Kawagoe, ...
Greater Tokyo Pass是针对外国观光客推出的全新交通票券,由关东地区不包含JR的12家铁路公司以及52间公车公司联合推出,于2018年4月1日开始贩售,成人价格7200日圆、孩童3600日圆,三天之内可以不限次数无限搭乘范围内的电车及公车,除了东京市区的交通之外,前往成田机场、羽田机场的时候也能使用,甚至连到高尾山、秩父、镰仓...
推荐一张特惠的交通票券 Greater Tokyo Pass(也可以叫大东京周游券)可以在关东地区乘坐除了JR外的绝大部分私铁和51家巴士。这张票券在樱花季推出了「SAKURA Campaign」的活动。从3月16日起至4月30日,使用期间将由原本的三天延长至五日,价格不变,从2019年5月1日起就会恢复成原本的三天。这样算下来,活动期间...
JR Lines aren’t covered by the Greater Tokyo Pass.| Photo by While the Greater Tokyo Pass has an impressive roster of train lines, there are always going to be some limitations. The pass does not cover Limited Express trains. That means traveling those longer distances ...
“Greater Tokyo Pass”是關東地區12家私鐵聯合發售的自由通票。自購買之日起3日內,您可無限乘坐12家關東私鐵營運路線,以及各公司營運的東京、神奈川、千葉、琦玉普通公車。(不可乘坐JR) 費用爲成人7,200日圓(含稅)、兒童3,600日圓(含稅)。用得越多、實惠越大!
Please Note: It will take ten days for the JR Pass for Whole Japan 7 Days to be delivered to your designated address, please make a reservation in advance. Please Note: TeamLab Planets TOKYO Ticket is a very popular activity and it might be sold out on the days you would like to rese...
fast neutronshydrogen 1mev range 10-100Calculated results are presented for the frequency with which various partial nuclear reaction cross sections are utilized when fast (approximately less than 50 MeV) are transported through a tissue-equivalent phantom to obtain an indication of which cross ...
JR Tokyo Wide Pass 4.5 (1,324) £ 95.25 £ 93.69 Small Worlds Tokyo Ticket 4.7 (685) £ 16.79 Bic Camera Tourist Privilege Discount Coupon in Tokyo 4.8 (1,881) Free Voucher Narita International Private Airport Transfers 5.0 (17) £ 87.19 Klook Car Rental 4.5 (23K+) See ...
Please Note: It will take ten days for the JR Pass for Whole Japan 7 Days to be delivered to your designated address, please make a reservation in advance. Please Note: TeamLab Planets TOKYO Ticket is a very popular activity and it might be sold out on the days you would like to rese...
50+ 人參加過 Japan, 〒144-0041 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo 2−5−1 發現東京當地玩樂 查看原文(AI翻譯由提供) 頁面顯示 AI 翻譯資訊,內容如有歧異,請以原文為準 預訂大東京周遊券,盡情探索日本首都圈的知名景點 持周遊券即可搭乘各種交通工具,免除繁雜購票煩惱 ...