Digital ticket: Activate the pass on your smartphone and show it to board trains and buses seamlessly 5-day Kanto access: Travel on trains and Toei buses across the Kanto area for 5 consecutive days Extensive converage: Explore key destinations like Tokyo, Hakone, Kamakura, Nikko, Kawagoe, ...
Find things to do in Tokyo Experience the best of Greater Tokyo when you book this amazing travel pass Skip the hassle of buying separate tickets for each mode of transportation in the city with this pass Get access to the wide transportation networks of the Japanese capital such as the compl...
December 27th, 2024 | TC Team Start the new year with some festive fun—and ward off the winter blues. Events Where To Be On New Year's Eve: 10 Best Tokyo Countdown Parties December 26th, 2024 | TC Team Where to go for drinks, dancing, and good vibes. ...
Greater Tokyo Pass是针对外国观光客推出的全新交通票券,由关东地区不包含JR的12家铁路公司以及52间公车公司联合推出,于2018年4月1日开始贩售,成人价格7200日圆、孩童3600日圆,三天之内可以不限次数无限搭乘范围内的电车及公车,除了东京市区的交通之外,前往成田机场、羽田机场的时候也能使用,甚至连到高尾山、秩父、镰仓...
“Greater Tokyo Pass”的購買方法 僅訪日的外國旅客能够使用“Greater Tokyo Pass”,居住於日本的人無法使用。 購買方法非常簡單,只需前往出售“Greater Tokyo Pass”的車站窗口,出示護照、付費、在車票背面簽名即可。 簡單幾個步驟就能無限乘坐關東私鐵,强烈推薦列車行程超過3天的旅客使用!
日本新的交通套票服务 Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天内自由搭乘关东地区12家机构运营的铁路、轨道线路及51家机构运营的普通巴士线路,主要于成田机场、羽田机场内及主要电车站销售。 东京2019年1月28日电 /美通社/ -- 再过不久,就要迎来2019年的春节。与此同时,为了迎接2020年的东京奥运会,日本面向访日游客大力开发新...
Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天内自由搭乘關東地區12家機構運營的鐵路、軌道線路及51家機構運營的普通巴士線路。 日本新的交通套票服務 Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天內自由搭乘關東地區12家機構運營的鐵路、軌道線路及51家機構運營的普通巴士線路,主要於成田機場、羽田機場內及主要電車站銷售。
Greater Tokyo Pass 面向访日外国游客的全新企划乘车券——“Greater Tokyo Pass”!使用它,关东地区12家加盟铁路公司的铁路列车和轨道电车,还有东京都、神奈川县、千叶县、埼玉县的52家普通公交车都可以随意搭乘! “Greater Tokyo Pass”是在关东地区12家铁路公司的铁路列车和轨道电车线路以及52家普通公交线路上3天...
For more information, please visit: GBA commenced scheduled service in July 2022 and is currtly operating flights to Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo and Seoul. The service to Osaka will commence on 28 April 2023. For more ...
(19 April 2023) Greater Bay Airlines (GBA) today announced the launch of the Hong Kong – Taipei Air Pass! Starting 19 April 2023 until 10 May 2023, customers can purchase a total of three Hong Kong – Taipei roundtrip tickets for departure on or before 30 January 2024 for only HK$1,...