THE_GREAT_GATSBY了不起的盖茨比 F.ScottFitzgerald(1896-1940)SpokesmanoftheJazzAge Contents1.Background2.Fitzgerald3.TheGreatGatsbyPlotlineCharacterAnalysis 4.Themes.5.Discussion.Aspokesmanofthe“JazzAge”TheJazzAge TheJazzAgeisthenicknameinAmericaofthedecadeofthe1920’s,beginningfrom1919totheCrashattheend...
【Billboard..附送曲目表:1. 100$ Bill - Jay-Z2. Back to Black - Beyoncé and André 30003. Young and Beautiful - Lana Del R
1TheGreenLightThegreenlightisonlyagreenlightattheendofDaisy’sdock,buttoGatsbyitbecomestheembodiment体现;化身 ofhisdreamforthefuture,anditbeckonstohiminthenightlikeavisionofthefulfillmentofhisdesires. “apairoffading,bespectacled带眼镜的eyespaintedonanoldadvertisingbillboardoverthevalleyofashes.”2TheeyesofDoctor...
【Billboard..然后原声一:Various Artists - The Great Gatsby - The Jazz Recordings (A Selection of Yellow Cocktail Music
Eyes Of Eckleburg Meaning of the BillboardEyesof T.J.EckleburgThere are many symbolic themes in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s TheGreatGatsby; the names of people and places‚ attributes of characters or the green light at the end of the docks. One of the recurring and arguably most meaningf...
Thereby FG is suggesting that the value of Gatsby as a man would be judged by what he possessed, therefore by possessing Daisy his value would be greatly enhanced and the eyes of an extraordinary shallow and materialistic and hedonistic society who seem to only value and respect wealth. ...
THE_GREAT_GATSBY了不起的盖茨比全解 1 The Green Light “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic极度兴奋的 future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one ...
II. His masterpiece: The Great Gatsby 1.The story summary: The entire story takes place in one summer in 1922. The novel describes the life and death of Jay Gatsby, as seen through the eyes of a narrator who does not share the same point of view as the fashionable people around him....
In "The Great Gatsby", the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg on the billboard are a significant symbol. What do they represent? A. 做反影示就次农能眼做反影示就次农能眼God's eyes watching over the immoral world做反影示就次农能眼做反影示就次农能眼 B. 它精斗前结家它精斗前结...
The artwork for the first edition ofThe Great Gatsby,known asCelestial Eyes,is among the most celebrated in American literature and represents a unique instance in literary history in which a novel's commissioned artwork directly influenced the composition of the text.[123] Rendered in an Art Dec...