II. His masterpiece: The Great Gatsby 1.The story summary: The entire story takes place in one summer in 1922. The novel describes the life and death of Jay Gatsby, as seen through the eyes of a narrator who does not share the same point of view as the fashionable people around him....
It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that bling in Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby,” which arrives six months after its originally scheduled December release date but maintains something of a gussied-up holiday feel, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as staged by Liberace....
THE_GREAT_GATSBY了不起的盖茨比 F.ScottFitzgerald(1896-1940)SpokesmanoftheJazzAge Contents1.Background2.Fitzgerald3.TheGreatGatsbyPlotlineCharacterAnalysis 4.Themes.5.Discussion.Aspokesmanofthe“JazzAge”TheJazzAge TheJazzAgeisthenicknameinAmericaofthedecadeofthe1920’s,beginningfrom1919totheCrashattheend...
26、Gatsbylongstore-createavanishedpasthistimeinLouisvillewithDaisybutisincapableofdoingso.Whenhisdreamcrumbles,allthatisleftforGatsbytodoisdie;allNickcandoismovebacktoMinnesota,whereAmericanvalueshavenotdecayed.WhatmakesGatsby“great”?NickconsidersGatsbyasagreatfigure.Heseesboththeextraordinaryqualityof ...
1TheGreenLightThegreenlightisonlyagreenlightattheendofDaisy’sdock,buttoGatsbyitbecomestheembodiment体现;化身 ofhisdreamforthefuture,anditbeckonstohiminthenightlikeavisionofthefulfillmentofhisdesires. “apairoffading,bespectacled带眼镜的eyespaintedonanoldadvertisingbillboardoverthevalleyofashes.”2TheeyesofDoctor...
The Great Gatsby is a highly symbolic meditation on 1920s America as a whole, in particular the disintegration(瓦解) of the American dream in an era of unprecedented prosperity and material excess. Fitzgerald portrays the 1920s as an era of decayed(腐败的,衰退的) social and moral values...
The Great Gatsby 解析TheGreatGatsby F.ScottFitzgerald Setting:Thestorytakesplaceduringthe1920's,therearefourmajorsettings: 1.Eastegg 2.WestEgg 3.Thevalleyofashes 4. New Y ork City. TheWestEggisthe"less fashionable" side of L ong Island where Gatsby and Nicklive.TheEastEggisthe"fashionable"...
The-Great-Gatsby TheGreatGatsby TheGreatGatsby 尽现美国二十年代的华丽与不安美国ModernLibrary票选20世纪最佳的100本小说第二名 Nick dating (Narratorofthestory)friends&neighbor cousins JordanBaker friends JayGatsbyInlovewith DaisyBuchannan (newlywealthybusinessmanwhoseonly classmates (theobjectofGatsby’sdesire...
THE_GREAT_GATSBY了不起的盖茨比全解 1 The Green Light “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic极度兴奋的 future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one ...
The Roaring Twenties was a time of rich prosperity in the wake of World War I and before the devastation of the Great Depression in 1929. The Eye's on the billboard could represent the watchful eye of God during a joyous time, but how God is awaiting return during difficult times that ...