landscape and people - from the window of Britain's many and magnificent railway journeys. Inspired by George Bradshaw, a 19th-century cartographer who mapped Britain's railways as they sprung up around him, Charlie Bunce and Michael Portillo take a journey along nine classic British railway route...
在《英国铁路之旅》(Great British Railway Journeys)中,驾驶经典火车,在真实的铁路线上开始你的铁道冒险之旅。
Great British Railway Journeys: With Michael Portillo, Alex Hutchinson, Lindsay Sutton, Nicholas Owen. Michael Portillo travels along the railway networks of Great Britain and Ireland, referring to a Victorian guidebook written by George Bradshaw as he d
本集中文名: 艾尔到斯图尔顿 本集原名: Ayr to Stewarton 播放时间: 2015-01-05 星期一 (当地时间)剧情简介: Michael Portillo embarks on a new journey through southern Scotland from west to east. From Ayr, he admires the granite island of Ailsa Craig before ... 更多» ...
英国铁路纪行 Great British Railway Journeys S02E15 中英对照台词剧本 Chapter 2 The Constitutional Monarchy in Great Britain Contemporary British Culture and Society 英国社会与文化 教学课件 英国电视美食节目最新模式与创意趋势初探 --以《the great british bake off》等为例 英国铁路标准(BS railway standards...英国铁 路纪行第二季第21集艾尔到佩斯利 UsingmyVictorianBradshaw'sguide,I'mbeginningajourneyupthe 借助我的维多利亚时期的老布指南我将开展北上苏格兰西海岸之旅 westcoastofScotland,thenorthernpart,thewestHighlandline, ...
BBC纪录片《英国铁路纪行/坐着火车游英国 Great British Railway Journeys》两季 全45集 720P高清下载 1840年,一个人彻底改变了英国人的旅行方式,他的名字叫乔治-布莱德萧,其编写的火车指南鼓励了维多利亚时代的英国人乘火车进行旅行,对于每一站,他都会告诉大家该去哪里,去哪里参观以及在哪里住宿,现在,170后的今天...