A glorious insight into Britain over the last 150 years - its history, landscape and people - from the window of Britain's many and magnificent railway journeys. Inspired by George Bradshaw, a 19th-century cartographer who mapped Britain's railways as they sprung up around him, Charlie Bunce ...
On the last of his journeys in the capital, Michael Portillo explores Albertopolis and reaches dizzying heights inside a Victorian landmark. He meets some of Battersea's most famous residents and gives one of them a bath! At Vauxhall, Michael learns abou
在《英国铁路之旅》(Great British Railway Journeys)中,驾驶经典火车,在真实的铁路线上开始你的铁道冒险之旅。
Great British Railway Journeys: With Michael Portillo, Alex Hutchinson, Lindsay Sutton, Nicholas Owen. Michael Portillo travels along the railway networks of Great Britain and Ireland, referring to a Victorian guidebook written by George Bradshaw as he d
"Great British Railway Journeys" Park Royal to Westminster (TV Episode 2021) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
在英国上国内的各种视频网站都是卡得不行,看BBC却很给力。本来打算看Frozen Planet,BBC网站上竟然是手语版的,看着美景的同时旁边站一个人手舞足蹈的实在很倒胃口。好在又发现了这一部Great British Railway Journeys,已经播到第三季了。看的同时做点笔记吐点槽,以后如果有机会可以去。
《英国铁路纪行》 Great British Railway Journeyshttp://movie.douban.com/subject/5256501/这套片子其实是上上上周看完的,但一直没空些评论。 铁路迷是相当讨厌的一个物种。他们的爱好是数火车上的螺丝钉,听火车奔驰在铁轨上的震动声,并乐此不疲的去比较各型号间的差异。他们热衷于流窜全国,向遇到的每一个人讲...