3000也是,每天至少拿出一小时看,考试前我过了差不多三四遍。 推荐magoosh出品的一个app,叫GRE vocabulary flashcards.里面分common words,basic,advanced三个层次,一共20个list,每个list50个单词,涵盖了GRE最最高频的1000个单词。每天过完3000我会花一个小时用这个app背单词,有的单词有多个含义,flashcards直接告诉你...
If you already learned the words, seeing them again will only reinforce them. Good luck on your test! Reply Nick June 10, 2013 Hey, I noticed you guys suggest quizlet. Why not generate the most common 300 GRE words (that you have so kindly created) and put it on quizlet? That ...
the GRE tests the same kinds of words over and over again. here you will find the most popular GRE words with their definitions in context to help you to r…
A lot of students struggle with the vocabulary on the Verbal section of the exam.Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcardscover more than 1000 of the most important GRE vocab words. You can either download the app or use the desktop version. 3. Manhattan GRE Practice Test Manhattan GRE Practice T...
1 技巧一:读句子之间的逻辑关系 GRE的一个段落其实就是一道逻辑单题无限扩充出来的段落,你需要知道里面那些是Premise, 那些是counter-example/statement, 那些是conclusion 一个最简单的例子, GRE Section 2At the same time that Gilpin’s interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other...
递进:furthermore; in addition/additionally; besides; moreover; what really matters/counts is; what is more; let alone; particularly; most importantly; _is even more_; 等同:equate ~with~; amount to; likewise; in like manner; similarly; in other words; that is to say; along with; in com...
DOWNLOAD THE APP FOR FREE and try our prep-free resources before you decide to subscribe! Subscribe today and get instant access to: • 1,000+ Manhattan Prep GRE study practice questions with explanations • 1,000+ most common vocabulary words ...
说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words;utter 接受…之美意embracethe offer of… 累积amass;accumulate; heap up; assemble 连系tact; get in touch with; contactwith 排除这可能性rule outthe possibility 等于is equivalent to; equal 选择choose; elect; opt for; pick; singleout ...
新旧观点型: TS为新观点。提示词traditionally, common, usually believed, most argued, 通常首段中部或第二段开头会否定,用but, yet, however或强对比。重点是对老观点的否定和新观点。 结论解释型;TS为该结论。首句必须是判断句,但不一定是判断句式,一般也包含态度和评价,开头是主题句,后面展开具体内容,通常...
文章的逻辑连贯,非常需要起承转合等表达逻辑链条关系的词汇。文章的结构,通过这些linking words,应该是让人感受到一目了然的。句与句之间,段落与段落之间的关系,要交代的很清楚。官网4分的文章中,有一句话,与上下文没有衔接,就被grader单独拎了出来,叫做跳跃句,对逻辑链条关系交代的不够清楚。