推荐magoosh出品的一个app,叫GRE vocabulary flashcards.里面分common words,basic,advanced三个层次,一共20个list,每个list50个单词,涵盖了GRE最最高频的1000个单词。每天过完3000我会花一个小时用这个app背单词,有的单词有多个含义,flashcards直接告诉你GRE会考到的意思,还会给例句方便理解。 强推magoosh,常逛论坛的...
More than 1300 words with usage for GRE Exam. Use this list to get a top score in GRE Verbal Test. Download pdf file for free!
These 1800 words are split into 14 Word Lists. The words in each list are divided into groups with similar meanings. There are about 325 such groups. So, instead of learning individual meanings of the 1800 words, you will learn only 325 meanings.. Enhance your vocabulary with the Jamboree ...
可以单独列个list,在做题时碰到不会的单词就写上去。 2、单词记忆方法 亲测艾宾浩斯记忆法好用,其实它的本质还会重复记忆,只不过是有规律的重复。我自己写的计划是: 第一天早上背list1~2,晚上复习list1~2。 第二天早上背list3~4,晚上复习list1~2、list3~4。 第三天早上背list5~6,晚上复习list3~4、list...
GRE Master Word List: 1535 Words for Verbal MasteryVibrant Publishers
List of shorter words within apsgre, sorted by length 在apsgre较短的单词列表,按长度 2 2 ae 声发射 ag 银 ar AR as 作为 er 呃 es ES pa PA pe 体育 re 重新 3 3 age 年龄 ape 猿 are 是 ars ARS asp ASP ear 耳 era 时代;<英>电气研究协会;平等权利修正案 erg 视网膜电...
vocab list 1 study tool 7個詞語 em_0017 預覽 187/188 CASAS Vocabulary IMPROVED 老師22個詞語 Benjamin_King56 預覽 WordMasters List #2.2 10個詞語 dcruz00000123 預覽 Act 5 Vocab: Macbeth 15個詞語 AtoniOwO 預覽 vocab 10 hard words 5個詞語 Nayana_Keahbone6 預覽 english 19個詞語 Carter_Housewo...
5000 GRE Words Level 1 - 1 View all words of the list abandon abide abnormal absurd abuse access accidental accomplice acquaintance activate acute adamant addiction ado adopt adorable adore affected affection affirmative agenda aggressive agitated agony agreement airborne alias allegiance allergic allergy ...
The GRE can include many, many other words than what is on our list (or any list) of GRE vocabulary, and that is why reading extensively is VERY important no matter what level your vocabulary is at. 🙂 While studying vocabulary is certainly an essential element, try not to think of ...