The Amaldi 10 Parallel Session C2 on gravitational wave (GW) search results, data analysis and parameter estimation included three lively sessions of lectures by 13 presenters, and 34 posters. The talks and posters covered a huge range of material, including results and analysis techniques for ...
C. L. Rodriguez et al., Inadequacies of the Fisher Information Matrix in gravitational- wave parameter estimation, Phys. Rev. D88 084013 (2013).C. L. Rodriguez, B. Farr, W. M. Farr, and I. Mandel. Inadequacies of the Fisher Information Matrix in gravitational-wave parameter estimation. ...
Machine Learning for Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Detection and Parameter Estimation with Pulsar Timing Arraymachine learningneural networkPTAGW-induced time residualsStudies have shown that the use of pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) is among the\napproaches with the highest potential to detect very low-...
Accurate parameter estimation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary sources is a key requirement for gravitational-wave astronomy. Evaluating the posterior probability density function of the binary's parameters (component masses, sky location, distance, etc.) requires computing millions of ...
Inspiraling binary neutron stars (BNSs) are expected to be one of the most significant sources of gravitational-wave\udsignals for the new generation of advanced ground-based detectors. We investigate how well we could hope to\udmeasure properties of these binaries using the Advanced LIGO detectors...
Having different models in parameter space is not unusual. In fact, it has allowed (among many other ingredients) to find new signals from public LIGO data52. Our approach is one of the many trends in the gravitational wave science community to incorporate tools from DS, ML and AI, but ...
Metrics for next-generation gravitational-wave detectors. Class. Quant. Grav. 36, 225002 (2019). Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar Vitale, S. & Evans, M. Parameter estimation for binary black holes with networks of third generation gravitational-wave detectors. Phys. Rev. D 95, 064052 ...
Title:GWTC-1: A gravitational-wave transient catalog of compact binary mergers observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first and second observing runs arXiv:1811.12907 [astro-ph.HE] Data:Catalogue;Parameter estimation results Journal:Physical Review X;9(3):031040(49); 2019 ...
Use and abuse of the Fisher information matrix in the assessment of gravitational-wave parameter-estimation prospects The Fisher-matrix formalism is used routinely in the literature on gravitational-wave detection to characterize the parameter-estimation performance of gra... Vallisneri,Michele - 《Physic...
Parameter estimation of neutron star-black hole binaries using an advanced gravitational-wave detector network: Effects of the full post-Newtonian waveformPost-Newtonian approximationperturbation theoryrelated approximationsGravitational waves: theoryNeutron stars...