The problem to estimate the background due to accidental coincidences in the search for coincidences in gravitational wave experiments is discussed. The use of delayed coincidences obtained by orderly shifting the event times of one of the two detectors is shown to be the most correct....
Time shifting the outputs of gravitational wave detectors operating in coincidence is a convenient way to estimate the background in a search for short-duration signals. However, this procedure is limited as increasing indefinitely the number of time shifts does not provide better estimates. We show...
We discuss prospects for direct measurement of stochastic gravitational wave background around 0.1-1Hz with future space missions. It is assumed to use correlation analysis technique with the optimal TDI variables for two sets of LISA-type interferometers. The signal to noise for detection of the ba...
内容提示: Draft version August 6, 2024Typeset using L A T E X twocolumn style in AASTeX631Spectral Variance in a Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background from a Binary PopulationWilliam G. Lamb1and Stephen R. Taylor11 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, 2301 Vanderbilt Plac...
2005GravStat@PenStateUniv.GravStat@PenStateUniv. MycommentsMycomments 2.2.Noisebackgroundestimation:Noisebackgroundestimation: Inthistopic,IthinkthemostimportantthingsareInthistopic,Ithinkthemostimportantthingsare systematicerrorssystematicerrors.Howtomake.Howtomakeamodelofthenoiseamodelofthenoise behavior,and...
Title:GWTC-1: A gravitational-wave transient catalog of compact binary mergers observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first and second observing runs arXiv:1811.12907 [astro-ph.HE] Data:Catalogue;Parameter estimation results Journal:Physical Review X;9(3):031040(49); 2019 ...
Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves We present an analysis of high-precision pulsar timing data taken as part of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational waves (NANOGrav) pr... PB Demorest,RD ...
It is shown that, in general, the application of the ML method makes it possible to improve the accuracy of the estimation of gravitational-radiation burst parameters, which has important implications for gravitational-wave detection experiments. 展开 ...
gravitational-wave signal, as for GW150914, the back- ground used to determine the significance of other events is reestimated without the contribution of this event. This is the background distribution shown as a purple line in the right panel of Fig. 4. Based on this, the second most si...
I. Cholis, On the gravitational wave background from black hole binaries after the first LIGO detections. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 2017(06), 037 (2017) Google Scholar B. Zackay, L. Dai, T. Venumadhav, J. Roulet, M. Zaldarriaga, Detecting gravitational waves with disparate detecto...