In case there is not only the electromagnetic potential but also gravitational potential, the octonion torque will be reduced to Color Confinement and Spatial Dimensions in the Complex-Sedenion Space There should be no gravitational force at the very center of Earth, Conover says, "but general rel...
A Gravitational Potential with Extra-dimensions and Spin Effects In Hadronic ReactionsHigh energyHadronGravitationnDimensionalSpin correlationThe impact of the KK-modes in d -brane models of gravity with large compactification radii and TeV-scale quantum gravity on the hadronic potential at small impact ...
The dimensional formula for gravitational potential is View Solution What is the dimensional formula of√LC? View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep...
gravitational orbitsNewton's second law, applied in three dimensions - to body of constant masstorque and angular momentum - torque equalling rate of change of angular momentumposition-dependent forces, and source point - force acting radially outwards or inwards, as central forces...
If the gravitational constant had a different value, say a lower value than the present value, and since the gravitational constant is a part of Planck dimensions, such as Planck mass, Planck length, etc., how would quantum and classical processes be affected? Are there problems which use the...
(13) Here, the gravitoelectric potential φ is identified with the Newton potential. Both potentials have dimensions of energy over mass and they scale with the speed of light as φ = O(c0) and A = O(c−1). The temporal component of the de Donder gauge is equivalent to the ...
Newton proved theoretically that the gravitational force between two spheres of finite dimensions with a spherically symmetric distribution of mass is also expressed by equation (1). In this case mA and mB are the total masses of the spheres, and r is the distance between the spheres’ centers...
The centre of mass determined by the geometric centre of mass (mean over all image dimensions), as well as the centre of mass calculated by our shape evaluation, are indicated (‘Volume COM’). The centre of mass used in the determination of G is indicated by a blue cross. b, The ...
We also investigate the gravitational stability of AdS spacetimes of dimensions D>4 against linear perturbations and find that the extremal states are still the local minima of the energy. For a spherically symmetric AdS black hole solution, the gravitational potential is positive and bounded, with...
Finally, despite the fact that the patterns of pole-skipping points in higher dimensions show no apparent commonal- ity between different channel, a particularly interesting open problem is to nevertheless try to understand whether potential hidden, but in some sense similar, new structures exist in...