NASA's Juno spacecraft captures cyclone storms on the surface of Jupiter in jaw-dropping new image; The orbiting spacecraft has captured a stunning picture of the surface of the planet The Galileo's equivalence principle states that, in a given gravitational field, all test particles, of the ...
The energy-momentum tensor that warps space-time as per Einstein's field equations takes into account only the energy-momentum of matter and radiation. Thus, gravitational potential energy does not come into the picture in Einstein's theory of gravity and its role is taken over by the ...
BGravitational potential energy, a thought experiment Hi PF, long time no see. Hope you are all well. Recently I have come into a mental conundrum of a cosmological physical nature. After doing some napkin calculations about the energy of celestial bodies and transforming them into mass via E...
Learn the definition of Gravitational potential energy and browse a collection of 292 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Gravitational collapse refers to the process where the gravitational potential energy of over-thickened crust surpasses the strength of the crustal lithosphere, leading to vertical compressive stress and lateral flow in the orogenic pile. AI generated definition based on:Gondwana Research,2022 ...
In the hierarchical picture of galaxy formation, galaxies are built up through mergers and accretion of smaller galaxies, accompanied by the onset of star formation. This star formation is seen to peak around ‘Cosmic Noon’ (\(z\approx 2\)), in which the merging galaxies are predominantly lo...
finding that the DM distribution plays a crucial role in the MBH evolution, with cored profiles resulting in the MBHs stalling at a few hundred pc separations. Nevertheless, we are still far away from a clear picture, especially because of the missing gas (and star formation) physics, that ...
(Color online) Maps of the logarithmic energy density excluding the rest-massenergy (left) in c.g.s units and logarithmic velocity (right). (a) is taken before the breakout of the forward shock from the coreejecta and (b) is taken after the breakout.The figures are taken from ref. [...
The direct detection of gravitational waves holds the potential of a rich physics and astronomy wealth: It could open the field of gravitational wave astronomy to give a new picture of the universe that could be as surprising as the opening of the radio window after the optical one. I.B ...
[161]. A simple example is that any scalar field potentialV(ϕ) becomes dynamically irrelevant compared to the kinetic energy |∇ϕ|2in a self-similar solution [49], so that all scalar fields with potentials are in the universality class of the free massless scalar field. Surprisingly,...