Plotting graphs GCSE questions1. (a) Complete the table of values for y=3x−5.y=3x−5.y=3x−5. (b) On the grid draw the graph of y=3x−5,y=3x−5,y=3x−5, for the values of xxx from −1−1−1 to 3.3.3. (4 marks) Show answer ...
In this graph, the gradient = (change in y-coordinate)/(change in x-coordinate) = (8-6)/(10-6) = 2/4 = 1/2 We can, of course, use this to find the equation of the line. Since the line crosses the y-axis when y = 3, the equation of this graph is y = ½x + 3 ....
The lower quartile is (n+1)/4 th value (n is the cumulative frequency, i.e. 157 in this case) and the upper quartile is the 3(n+1)/4 the value. The difference between these two is the interquartile range (IQR). In the above example, the upper quartile is the 118.5th value an...
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Dr John Kelliher