Pike N A and Stroud D 2014 Tight-binding model for adatoms on graphene: Analytical density of states, spectral function, and induced magnetic moment Phys. Rev. B - Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 89 1-8Pike, N. A., & Stroud, D. (2014). Tight-binding model for adatoms on graphene: ...
- Now we model graphene using tight-binding theory. The relevant atomic orbital is the single $\pi$ orbital which is left unfilled by the bonding electrons, and which is normal to the plane of the lattice. If we denote the the orbital on atom $i$ with spin $\sigma$ as $(i,\sigma)...
Tight-Binding for Graphene 紧束缚模型 石墨烯能带结构 3D-Plot 2D-plot Behavior near the Dirac points K 点展开 Linear dispersion relation 本文主要参考自 Franz Utermohlen[1]的相关文档,内容包括 晶体结构信息 如何基于紧束缚模型得到石墨烯的能带结构 绘制石墨烯能带结构图(2D and 3D-plot) Behavior near th...
The tight-binding model is used to inquire the uniaxial strain effect on the electronic structure of 2D graphene sheet and quasi-1D armchair graphene nanoribbons. The dependence of Dirac points and gap on the uniaxial strain is investigated. The band edg
von Smekal, Monte-Carlo simulation of the tight- binding model of graphene with partially screened Coulomb interactions, Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 195429. arXiv:1403.3620.D. Smith, L. von Smekal, Monte-Carlo simulation of the tight-binding model of graphene with partially screened Coulomb ...
We present a tight-binding parametrization for penta-graphene that correctly describes its electronic band structure and linear optical response. The set of parameters is validated by comparing to ab-initio density functional theory calculations for single-layer penta-graphene, showing a very good ...
Is anybody familiar the tight binding model? now i am trying to use this model simulate the ...
Testing the Dirac equation against the tight binding model for non-equilibrium graphenegrapheneDirac equationnon-equilibrium transportSchwinger's pair productionWe study the time evolution of the electric current in ballistic graphene, after switching on an electric field. After a short transient, ...
We introduce an effective tight-binding model to discuss penta-graphene and present an analytical solution. This model only involves theπ-orbitals of the sp2-hybridized carbon atoms and reproduces the two highest valence bands. By introducing energy-dependent hopping elements, originating from the el...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Tight-binding approach to penta- graphene received: 15 October 2015 accepted: 17 February 2016 Published: 04 March 2016 T. Stauber1, J. I. Beltrán1,2,3 & J. Schliemann4 We introduce an effective tight-binding model to discuss penta-graphene ...