Link To 下拉表:可以设置当前层所连接的层。 XAxis项:设置x轴的连接方式。 YAxis项:设置y轴的连接方式。 Link按钮:添加连接方式到预览中。 Unlink按钮:取消连接方式到预览中。 图5 Link标签 (5)Axes标签,如图6所示。 图6 图层管理器一Axes标签 X Scale和Y Scale:选择数轴刻度的表示方式。 分别有Bottom、Left...
Any point on the coordinate plane can be located or represented using these two axes in the form of an ordered pair of the form (x,y). Here, x represents the location of the point with respect to the x-axis and y represents the location of the point with respect to the y-axis.The...
我们还可以选择(negative-Y)将数据展示在负Y轴,如网卡进出流量可以展示在正负Y轴上。 Axes(坐标轴)功能面板:分Left Y(左Y轴)、Right Y(右Y轴)、X-Axis(X轴),如图7所示。主要用于在一副图例上展示2种度量单位数据,用左/右Y轴来区分(需结合Add series override),如左Y轴展示CPU使用百分比,右Y轴展示内存...
myPane.XAxis.MinorGrid.PenWidth = 1f; // #endregion #region 坐标轴上刻度线设置 //X轴文本取值 myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = labels; //第一个刻度从哪里开始 myPane.XAxis.Scale.BaseTic = 1; //刻度值的字体属性 myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec = myFont; #endregion //画到zedGraphControl...
fieldX The attribute field that will be used to plot value along the X-axis of the Horizontal Area graph. Field fieldY The attribute field that will be used to plot value along the Y-axis of the Horizontal Area graph. Field fieldLabel ...
- f. “x-axislocation”、“y-axislocation”:设置XY轴的位置。4. 在“DataHistory”选项卡下设置XY图表的数据历史记录参数。在此选项卡下,可以设置数据历史记录的长度、开启/关闭数据记录、数据记录的时间间隔等。5. 在“Display”选项卡下设置XY图表的外观参数。在此选项卡下,可以选择XY图表的...
Molecular feature distributions are plotted with Gaussian KDE in \({{\mathbb{R}}}^{2}\) (darker colours indicate more points fall in the region), along with KDE on angles (that is, arctan2(y, x) for each point \((x,y)\in {{{\mathcal{S}}}^{1}\)) for a clearer presentat...
How to zoom in and zoom out the point graph X and Y axis in c# windows application. 项目 2019/11/25 Question Monday, November 25, 2019 12:31 PM I want a chart control to zoom in and zoom out the point graph in c# windows form application All replies (1) Tuesday, November ...
at the end of the x-axis, and then drag the handle to the length you want. Repeat step 1 for the y-axis. To zoom in, hold down CTRL+SHIFT and click the graph. FromCharting Shapes, drag theY-axis labelshape onto the drawing page. Line it up at the x- and y-axis origin, so ...
Line graphs consist of two axes: x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Each axis represents a different data type, and the points at which they intersect is (0,0). The x-axis is the independent axis because its values are not dependent on anything measured. The y-axis is the ...