public class WMG_Axis_Graph : WMG_Graph_Manager { public enum graphTypes {line, bar_side, bar_stacked, bar_stacked_percent}; public graphTypes graphType; public enum orientationTypes {vertical, horizontal}; public orientationTypes orientationType; public enum axesTypes {MANUAL, CENTER, A...
Chart PreferencesRange SelectorExtended HoursAnimationHide OutliersMarket DepthL2 Heat MapY-Axis PreferencesLog ScaleInvertAdditional FeaturesShortcuts / HotkeysImport DataLocaleChange TimezoneEnglish N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SignalsPlots Volume
29.The Phytochemical Hyperforin Triggers Thermogenesis in Adipose Tissue via a Dlat-AMPK Signaling Axis to Curb Obesity Cell Metabolism 刘军力(上海交通大学) 30.Tracing the skeletal progenitor transition during postnatal bone for...
中药贯叶连翘提取物为抗肥胖症开辟全新研究方向 The Phytochemical Hyperforin Triggers Thermogenesis in Adipose Tissue via a Dlat-AMPK Signaling Axis to Curb Obesity Cell Metabolism 刘军力(上海交通大学) 植物抗病毒及病毒反防御新机制 A calmodulin-...
对于卫星动态网络的最大流量问题,可以将其建模为时间演化图(Time Evolving Graph,TEG),将各个演化子图通过叠加的方式生成一个聚合图。这样动态网络的任意两个点Vi和Vj只要在0~t时隙内有过连接,那么在聚合图中的fij就不为0。通过这种方式可以将求延时容忍的动态卫星网络的容量可以转化为求聚合图的最大流量问题[16...
函数图形graph of a function 绝对值函数absolute value 符号函数sigh function 整数部分integral part 阶梯曲线step curve 当且仅当if and only if(iff) 分段函数piecewise function 上界upper bound 下界lower bound 有界boundedness 无界unbounded 函数的单调性monotonicity...
函数图形graph of a function 绝对值函数absolute value 符号函数sigh function 整数部分integral part 阶梯曲线step curve 当且仅当if and only if(iff) 分段函数piecewise function 上界upper bound 下界lower bound 有界boundedness 无界unbounded 函数的单调性monotonicity of...