GRANT[object_privilege|ALL[PRIVILEGES]]ON[schema.]objectTO{user|role|PUBLIC} Oracle 对象权限有很多种,以下是一些常见的对象权限: 举例: --将表table_name的增删查改权限授予stuGRANTselect,insert,update,deleteONtable_nameTOstu;--将该用户对表table_name的所有权限授予stuGRANTallONtable_nametostu;--将该...
Grant SELECT on all tables in a schema to a user Sometimes, you want to grantSELECTon all tables that belong to a schema or user to another user. Unfortunately, Oracle doesn’t directly support this using a single SQL statement. To work around this, you can select all table names of a...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.GoalIf you want to transfer the privilege, select on a schema's all table , to another schema then you can refer the following PL/SQL scripts....
Here in this article we will discuss on how to grant access to all tables in a schema in oracle database as well as we will focus on schema owners and application users oracle concept. This is required when you need access to some table in another schema or while setting up enterprise a...
1. 引言 在Oracle数据库管理系统中,GRAT语句用于授权用户或角色执行特定的数据库操作。GRAT语句可以授予各种权限,包括SELECT、ISERT、UPDATE、DELETE等。本文将重点介绍GRAT SELECT语句的含义、语法、权限管理以及实践应用。 2. Oracle Gra Selec的含义 GRAT
SQL> grant select any table on schema a to b; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn b/oracle@ Connected. SQL> select count(1) from a.t1; COUNT(1) --- 70638 SQL> select count(1) from a.t2; COUNT(1) --- 70639 在a用户中新增加...
在Oracle数据库中,权限控制是非常重要的。Grant Select on列字段作为其中的一种权限控制方式,其目的是为了确保数据的安全性和完整性。通过授予用户对指定列字段的查询权限,可以实现对数据的精细化控制,避免未经授权的用户获取敏感信息,同时也可以限制用户的操作范围,防止误操作导致数据丢失或损坏。 此外,Grant Select on...
在Oracle数据库中,GRANT SELECT权限用于授予用户对指定表或视图的SELECT操作的权限。SELECT操作允许用户查询表或视图的数据,但不允许对其进行修改、删除或插入等操作。授予SELECT权限可以让用户查看数据,但不允许对数据进行任何更改。这可以用于限制用户的操作权限,确保数据的安全性和完整性。 0 赞 0 踩...
Hi, I am a newbie with MAXDB on SAP. I have more knowledge on Oracle. So I am looking for a way to grant select on all tables in the database or at least on a schema. How can I do this? Also, how can I view the properties regarding privileges of the users, schemas in the ...
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