ON { [ TABLE ] table_name [, ...] | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] } FROM { [ GROUP ] role_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]; 2)回收表上指定字段的权限 REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { {{ SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | REFERENCES | COMMENT } ( co...
ON { FUNCTION {function_name ( [ {[ argmode ] [ arg_name ] arg_type} [, ...] ] )} [, ...] | ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] } FROM { [ GROUP ] role_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ...
All Tables in this schema belong the user SAP<SID>DB, who has Full read/write access on everry table. Now different Applications should run within the J2EE Engine. Therefor this Applikation needs read access to all the tables which belong the SAP<SID>DB User and write Access to its own...
今日,开发反馈某台mysql服务器无法登陆,解决之后,远程登录后发现用户只能看到information_schema,其他均看不到。 故登录服务器执行: mysql> grant all on *.* to root@'%'; 报了ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ...
Here in this article we will discuss on how to grant access to all tables in a schema in oracle database as well as we will focus on schema owners and application users oracle concept. This is required when you need access to some table in another schema or while setting up enterprise ...
I want to grant select on DB in formation_schema to an user, but got the below error. How to grant select privilege on all tables of information_schema to an user ? mysql> grant select on information_schema.* to 'mytest'@'%' identified by 'test1234'; ...
GRANT <permission> [ ,...n ] ON [ OBJECT :: ][ schema_name ]. object_name [ ( column [ ,...n ] ) ] TO <database_principal> [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS <database_principal> ] <permission> ::= ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] | permission [ ( column [ ,...n ] ) ...
Information in this document applies to any platform.GoalIf you want to transfer the privilege, select on a schema's all table , to another schema then you can refer the following PL/SQL scripts.ex:When there are A,F schemas in DB[1]. How to transfer the privilege of select on A ...
GRANT<permission>[ , ...n ] [ON[<class_type>:: ] securable ]TOprincipal [ , ...n ] [WITHGRANTOPTION] [;]<permission>::={ see the tables below }<class_type>::={LOGIN|DATABASE|OBJECT|ROLE|SCHEMA|USER} 参数 ALL 不推荐使用此选项,保留此选项仅用于向后兼容。 它不授予所有可能的权限...