5. SYS账户收回user_a的CREATE TABLE权限: 6. 此时user_b仍可具有CREATE TABLE权限,尽管这里报错: 注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: ...
注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: 总结: 1. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予方式,可传递授权。 2. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予...
drop user 用户名;--删除用户 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --授予用户操作表空间的权限: grant unlimited tablespace to 用户名; grant create tablespace to 用户名; grant alter tablespace to 用户名; grant drop tablespace to 用户名; grant manage tablespace to 用户名; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --授予用户操作表...
5. SYS账户收回user_a的CREATE TABLE权限: 6. 此时user_b仍可具有CREATE TABLE权限,尽管这里报错: 注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: ...
5. SYS账户收回user_a的CREATE TABLE权限: 6. 此时user_b仍可具有CREATE TABLE权限,尽管这里报错: 注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间:...
The owner of the schema containing the table must have space quota on the tablespace to contain the table. ALTER ANY TABLE Alter a table or view in any schema except SYS, AUDSYS. BACKUP ANY TABLE Use the Export utility to incrementally export objects from the schema of other users ...
grant CREATE SEQUENCE to TEST; grant CREATE SYNONYM to TEST; grant CREATE ANY SYNONYM to TEST; grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to TEST; Oracle Object Privileges These are granted on database objects (such as a table, view, procedure, etc.…) ...
[DEFAULT TABLESPACE default_tablespace ] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_tablespace] [QUOTA size |UNLIMITED ON tablespace_name] [PASSWORD EXPIRE] [ACCOUNT LOCK|UNLOCK] //user_name要创建的数据库用户的名称,不能与现有的用户名重复 //IDENTIFIED 用户指定数据库用户的认证方式,password要创建用户的密码,即密码认证...
dba_tablespaces;TABLESPACE_NAME---SYSTEMSYSAUXUNDOTBS1TEMPUSERSSQL> create user usera identified by usera 2 default tablespace users 3 temporary tablespace temp 4 quota unlimited on users;User created.SQL> grant create session, create user to usera;Grant succeeded. 由于usera已被授予create user特权...
DEFAULT_TABLESPACE USERS Assign the quota by altering the user, like so: Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy alter user data_owner quota unlimited on users; These privileges will get you far.But to build an application t...