The owner of the schema containing the table must have space quota on the tablespace to contain the table. ALTER ANY TABLE Alter a table or view in any schema except SYS, AUDSYS. BACKUP ANY TABLE Use the Export utility to incrementally export objects from the schema of other users ...
6. 此时user_b仍可具有CREATE TABLE权限,尽管这里报错: 注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: 总结: 1. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予...
注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: 总结: 1. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予方式,可传递授权。 2. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予...
You can do this to allow a user to create objects in a tablespace: alter user username quota [amount] on mytablespace; To grant select, insert, update and delete on objects you have to run a separate grant command for each table: grant select, insert, update, delete on mytable1 to ...
DEFAULT TABLESPACE test TEMPORARY TABLESPACE test_temp QUOTA UNLIMITED ON test; 用户user2可以使用表空间上任意大小的存储数据对象,使用视图dba_ts_quota可以查看用户被分配的表空间配额情况,user1没有被分配,所以查不到记录。 1.4:修改用户 语法: –ALTER user user1 ACCOUNT LOCK;//将用户user1锁定 ...
[DEFAULT TABLESPACE default_tablespace ] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_tablespace] [QUOTA size |UNLIMITED ON tablespace_name] [PASSWORD EXPIRE] [ACCOUNT LOCK|UNLOCK] //user_name要创建的数据库用户的名称,不能与现有的用户名重复 //IDENTIFIED 用户指定数据库用户的认证方式,password要创建用户的密码,即密码认证...
Connected.SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;TABLESPACE_NAME---SYSTEMSYSAUXUNDOTBS1TEMPUSERSSQL> create user usera identified by usera 2 default tablespace users 3 temporary tablespace temp 4 quota unlimited on users;User created.SQL> grant create session, create user to usera;Grant...
:SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS;SELECT * FROM ALL_TAB_PRIVS;SELECT FROMUSER_TAB_PRlVS看所有角色:SELECT * FROM DBA_ROLS看用户或角色所拥有的角色:SELECT * FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS;SELECT * FROM USER_ROLE_PRIVS;一noprivileges on tablespace tablespace alter user userquota 10M un limited on tablespace...
注:这个错是说user_b没有默认表空间USERS的使用权限,并不是没有建表权限,此时需要SYS账户使用GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO user_b或ALTER USER user_b quota 100m on USERS让user_b用户可以使用USERS表空间: 总结: 1. 带有WITH ADMIN OPTION的权限授予方式,可传递授权。
grant select,delete,insert,update on user1.t_hr to user2; grant all on user1.t_hr to user2; 具体存储过程执行权限 grant execute on procedure1 to user1 表空间 alter user user1 default tablespace app; 限制修改的列 grant update(wage,bonus) on teachers to user1 ...