select * from user_role_privs 结果应该是两条记录,每一条是一个权限
Thesuperuser created. Note that you should use a secure password instead ofabcd124. Second, use theGRANT ALL PRIVILEGESstatement to grant all privileges to thesuperuser: GRANTALLPRIVILEGESTOsuper;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Third, log in to the Oracle Database as thesuper...
Oracle System Privileges It allows the grantee to create, alter, drop and manage database objects. For example, the privileges to create tablespaces and to delete the rows of any table in a database are system privileges. Oracle has more than 100 system privileges (found in the SYSTEM_PRIVIL...
I will explain how to grant privileges to users in MySQL 8.0. This is an important task for anyone who is responsible for managing a MySQL database, as it allows you to control which users have access to which parts of your database. By granting the appropriate privileges to each user, ...
GRANT 权限名 TO 用户|角色|PUBLIC 其中,PUBLIC表示将权限赋给数据库中所有的用户 例:赋给用户USER1权限CREATE TABLE的授权命令如下: SQL>GRANT CREATE TABLE TO USER1; 授权语句还可以增加WITH ADMIN OPTION选项,表示被授权的用户可以将它所得权限赋给其它用户,如: ...
GRANT ALL [PRIVILEGES] | object_priv [(column, column, ...)] [, object_priv [(column, column, ...(] , ...] ON [schema_name.]object_name TO role | PUBLIC [, role | PUBLIC, ...]; --为角色赋予权限(GRANT): SQL>showuser; ...
使用USER1等其他用户登录Oracle以后,创建视图,提示“权限不够”,怎么解决? 这是因为USER1这个帐户目前没有创建视图的权限。 解决方法为: 首先使用system帐户进行登录 然后执行: grant create any view to USER1 提示:授权成功。 再使用USER1登录就可以创建视图了。
This should return all the user privileges as shown below: Granting all permissions to a user in Oracle is a very powerful and convenient way to give a user the ability to perform any action in the database. However, it also comes with various concerns. For example: ...
GRANT INHERIT PRIVILEGES ON USER sh TO hr; ディレクトリへのオブジェクト権限を付与する例: 次の文は、ユーザーhrにディレクトリbfile_dirに対するREAD権限をGRANT OPTION付きで付与します。 GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY bfile_dir TO hr WITH GRANT OPTION; ユーザーに対して表へのオブジェクト...
grant all ..存在 all privileges14:04:34 SYS @ G10R25 > grant all privileges to abc1; select PRIVILEGE from db