We will be posting information on User access and security in the oracle database. This post will give good information on Create User in Oracle, System Privileges and Oracle Object Privileges, How to grant the privileges to users, How to show all privileges from a user in oracle Table of ...
1、1/ 5oracle仓【J建create user及授权grant查看登陆的用户:以下都可以:showuser;selectsys_c on text(usere nv,sessi on_ use门fromdual;selectuserfromdu al;查看所有登录的用户必须为DBA用户:selectusernamefromv$session;sys system等DBA用户查看其他用户(test)中 的对象俵):SQL select * from test.stude...
oracle 创建create user 及授权grant 查看登陆的用户:以下都可以: show user; select sys_context('userenv','session_user') from dual; select user from dual; 查看所有登录的用户必须为DBA 用户: select username from v$session;sys、system等DBA 用户查看 其...
The “GRANT” statement in Oracle aids in assigning privileges to any user. There are privileges for performing every task, such as “DELETE”, “CREATE VIEW”, “CREATE TABLE” and “MANAGE TABLESPACE”. To read more about privileges visit theOracle Official Documentation. However, we faced an...
使用USER1等其他用户登录Oracle以后,创建视图,提示“权限不够”,怎么解决? 这是因为USER1这个帐户目前没有创建视图的权限。 解决方法为: 首先使用system帐户进行登录 然后执行: grant create any view to USER1 提示:授权成功。 再使用USER1登录就可以创建视图了。
In this tutorial, you will learn how to: Create a new user and explore the user’s home directory Create a new group and add a user to the group Utilize the user private group scheme and implement write access to a directory Administer thesudocommand for grantingrootprivileges ...
And grant her some minimum privileges:GRANT CONNECT TO HELEN;GRANT RESOURCE TO HELEN;Make sure you see the user and the tablepsaces from all instances. 0 Kudos Reply Marcus Kinlay New Member 05-13-2003 06:36 AM Re: Oracle 9i RAC - Create User The Oracle user to be created...
SpecifyAUTHIDCURRENT_USERif you want the member functions and procedures of the object type to execute with the privileges ofCURRENT_USER. This clause creates aninvoker-rights type. This clause also indicates that external names in queries, DML operations, and dynamic SQL statements resolve in the...
grant all privileges on wbbank_owner.users to wbbank_user_role; --Create private synonym in schema wbbank_user create synonym wbbank_user.users for wbbank_owner.users; Try conn wbbank_user/oracle@pdbwbbank select * from users; Remarks ...
1,create 一个user的方法: --create user SP0704166,Password:lijuan CREATE USER SP0704166 IDENTIFIED BY lijuan DEFAULT TABLESPACE BACH TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP01 PROFILE DEFAULT; --grant user SP0704166 some privileges GRANT CREATE SESSION TO SP0704166; GRANT CREATE ANY TABLE TO SP0704166; GRANT ...