--grant select on tabel1 to xujin; 授权查询 --grant update on table1 to xujin; --grant execute on procedure1 to xujin 授权存储过程 --grant update on table1 to xujin with grant option; 授权更新权限转移给xujin用户,许进用户可以继续授权; --收回权限 --revoke select on table1 from xuji...
为用户分配所有基本CRUD权限(SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE): GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON table_name TO user_name; 复制代码 为用户分配创建(CREATE)权限: GRANT CREATE ON database_name TO user_name; 复制代码 为用户分配其他特定权限,如执行(EXECUTE)存储过程: GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCE...
grant select,delete,insert,update on user1.t_hr to user2; grant all on user1.t_hr to user2; 具体存储过程执行权限 grant execute on procedure1 to user1 表空间 alter user user1 default tablespace app; 限制修改的列 grant update(wage,bonus) on teachers to user1 收回权限 revoke insert on ...
GRANT UPDATE ON table_name TO user_name; 复制代码 授予用户 DELETE 权限: GRANT DELETE ON table_name TO user_name; 复制代码 授予用户 EXECUTE 权限(对于存储过程或函数): GRANT EXECUTE ON procedure_name TO user_name; 复制代码 授予用户多个权限: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON table_...
--create user xujin identified by xujin; 建立用户 --grant create tablespace to xujin; 授权 --grant select on tabel1 to xujin; 授权查询 --grant update on table1 to xujin; --grant execute on procedure1 to xujin 授权存储过程 --grant update on table1 to xujin with grant option; 授权...
--grant execute on procedure1 to xujin 授权存储过程 --grant update on table1 to xujin with grant option; 授权更新权限转移给xujin用户,许进用户可以继续授权; 二:给数据库用户授权(对象多为系统表,如dba可以查看的表) grant dba to username; ...
grant select on smp.mo_sms to mo_user@’%’ identified by ‘123345′; 4. grant 作用在表中的列上: grant select(id, se, rank) on testdb.apache_log to dba@localhost; 5. grant 作用在存储过程、函数上: grant execute on procedure testdb.pr_add to ‘dba’@'localhost’ ...
ON mydb.* TO 'someuser'@'somehost'; GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mydb.myproc TO 'someuser'@'somehost'; The object_type clause was added in MySQL 5.0.6. It should be specified as TABLE, FUNCTION, or PROCEDURE when the following object is a table, a stored function, or a stored ...
应该是说叫你做好选择吧……Grant option 做好选择
GRANTEXECUTEONprocedure_nameTObob; 上述语句将EXECUTE权限授予用户bob,使其能够执行名为procedure_name的存储过程。 3.4 授予所有权限给用户 GRANTALLPRIVILEGESONschema_name.table_nameTOuser_name; 上述语句将所有权限授予用户user_name,使其能够对schema_name下的table_name表进行任何操作。 3.5 授予权限并允许再次授...