GRANT EXECUTE ON [StoredProcedureName] TO [UserGroup]; (5)授予CREATE、ALTER和DROP权限给一个用户: GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP ON DATABASE::[DatabaseName] TO [UserName]; 【5.撤销权限】 除了授予权限,GRANT语句还可以用于撤销已经授予的权限。撤销权限的方法是使用REVOKE语句,其语法与GRANT语句类似。以下...
According tothis article, granting 'Execute' on a stored procedure to a user/role will allow them to access any tables or views that the procedure can access (provided that the objects in the chain of execution have the same owner), without explicitly granting the user 'Select' or other pe...
stored in the mysql.procs_priv table. GRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON mydb.* TO 'someuser'@'somehost'; GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mydb.myproc TO 'someuser'@'somehost'; The object_type clause was added in MySQL 5.0.6. It should be specified as TABLE, FUNCTION, or PROCEDURE when the ...
声明Public Sub Grant ( _ permission As ObjectPermissionSet, _ granteeName As String, _ grantGrant As Boolean _ ) 用法 Dim instance As StoredProcedure Dim permission As ObjectPermissionSet Dim granteeName As String Dim grantGrant As Boolean instance.Grant(permission, granteeName, _ grantGrant) 参...
Microsoft Learn Challenge Nov 23, 2024 – Jan 10, 2025 立即註冊 解除警示 Learn 登入 此內容已淘汰,日後將不會再更新。 我們不再支援此內容提及的產品、服務或技術。 建議版本 C# 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...
SQLDMOPriv_Execute 16 Grant the execute permission on the referenced stored procedure.备注When a user is a member of more than a single role, the user can have permission to grant access to a stored procedure under one role and not under another. In this case, SQL Server security mechanisms...
EXEC sp_addrolemember TesterRole, User1;-- Execute the following as User1-- The following fails because User1 does not have the permission as the User1GRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOUser2;-- The following succeeds because User1 invokes the TesterRole membershipGRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOUser2ASTesterRole;...
To determine whether this issue applies to you, execute the following query, which lists any anonymous users: SELECT Host, User FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''; To avoid the problem just described, delete the local anonymous user account using this statement: DROP USER ''@'localhost';Privile...
GRANTCREATEROUTINEONmydb.*TO'someuser'@'somehost';GRANTEXECUTEONPROCEDUREmydb.myprocTO'someuser'@'somehost'; The permissiblepriv_typevalues at the routine level areALTER ROUTINE,EXECUTE, andGRANT OPTION.CREATE ROUTINEis not a routine-level privilege because you must have the privilege at the glo...
Hello all, how to grant a user to execute a stored procedure ? I have a stored procedure and when i use another user (beside root who created the stored procedure) to execute the stored procedure, it return this message : Error Code : 1370 ...