Grant connect,resource to 用户名; ( 只有用户有了 connect 和 resource 后才能操作其他表 ) (3) 授 DBA Grant dba to ( 4 ) 撤权: revoke 权限 ... from 用户名 ; grant select on cwp_planned_move to fix_ngen; conn fix_ngen/fix_ngen@ngen create synonym cwp_virtual_quay_crane for ngendat...
目前,要想在 Postgres 里面只赋予几列权限,你必须创建一个包含那几列的视图(view),然后把权限赋予那几个视图。 使用psql z 命令获取关于现存对象权限的更多信息: Database = lusitania +---+---+ | Relation | Grant/Revoke Permissions | +---+---+ | mytable | {"=rw","miriam=arwR","group tod...
Access privileges for database "lusitania" Schema | Table | Access privileges ---+---+--- public | mytable | {=r/postgres,miriam=arwdRxt/postgres,"group todos=arw/postgres"} (1 row) \z显示的条目解释如下: =xxxx -- 赋予 PUBLIC 的权限 uname=xxxx -- 赋予一个用户的权限 group gname=...
*/ownerId = pg_database_tuple->datdba; aclDatum = heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_database_datacl, RelationGetDescr(relation), &isNull);if(isNull) { old_acl = acldefault(OBJECT_DATABASE, ownerId);/* There are no old member roles according to the catalogs */noldmembers =0; oldmember...
注意⽬前,要想在 Postgres ⾥⾯只赋予⼏列权限,你必须创建⼀个包含那⼏列的视图(view),然后把权限赋予那⼏个视图。 使⽤ psql /z 命令获取关于现存对象权限的更多信息: Database = lusitania +---+---+ | Relation | Grant/Revoke Permissions | +---+---+ | mytable | {"=rw","miri...
目前,要想在 Postgres 里面只赋予几列权限,你必须创建一个包含那几列的视图(view),然后把权限赋予那几个视图。使用 psql \z 命令获取关于现存对象权限的更多信息:Database = lusitania +---+---+ | Relation | Grant/Revoke Permissions | +---+---+ | mytable |...
Database Lifecycle Management: Deployment and Release Grant Fritchey covers database lifecycle management. So often, the unexpected delays in delivering database code are more likely to happen... 20 June 202035 min read Next 1 2 … 6
Grant the user permission to access the database: Raw # su - postgres -c 'psql -U postgres -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE engine TO newuser;"' Change the user's password: Raw # su - postgres -c 'psql -U postgres -c "ALTER role newuser with login encrypted password '\''mypasswor...