Loose & lose : As a verb loose means unfasten or set free while lose means cease to have or become unable to find. Luxuriant & luxurious : Luxuriant means rich and profuse in growth whereas luxurious means characterized by luxury or very comfortable and extravagant. Marital & martial : Ma...
Loose vs. Lose: Correct Usage Although they may have nearly identical spellings, loose and lose have different pronunciations and entirely separate meanings. In today’s post, we will break down the meaning and usage of each word. The Meaning of Loose Loose is an adjective that means “not...
1. Loose vs. lose This one drives a lot of people crazy, including me. In fact, it’s so prevalent among bloggers that I once feared I was missing something, and somehow “loose” was a proper substitute for “lose” in some other English-speaking countries. Here’s a hint: it’s...
Where did youloseyour keys? Can youloosenthe ties on my shoes?(verb form) Heloosenedthe ties on my shoes.(past form) Welostthe game with a score of 17 to 12. Also see: Sevastopoulos, J. "Commonly Misspelled Words: Confusing Word Pairs."Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables. Gramm...
spellings, loose and lose have different pronunciations and entirely separate meanings. In today's post, we will break down the meaning and usage of each word. The Meaning of Loose Loose is an adjective that means "not tight" or "not contained." Here are a few examples of loose being ...
"Lose" and "loose" "Lose" is pronounced "looze." It means "to misplace," as in "I always lose my car keys," or "to be defeated," as in "We will lose the game without Bob." "Loose" means "not tight" ("This shirt is too loose on me"), or "not confined" ("the dog got...
To, two, and too There, their, and they’re Lose / loose Your / you’re Accept / except Affect / effect Knew / new Personal / personnel Roll / role Weather / whether Counsel / council Again, spell-check won’t tell you when you’ve used the wrong homophone. It will only verify ...
and enter into a grader. This is precisely what the Grammar Checker tool offers. Look no further to correct your spelling, sentence structure, word usage or otherwise. The grammar checker has you covered with all of those plus spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, and more...
How to Remember the Spelling of 'Definitely' A definitive answer. See All The Many Plurals of 'Octopus' But which is correct? Punctuation See All The History of 'Ampersand' All About Ellipses ... Should that word have a hyphen? Comma Splices: What They Are and How to Correct Them (or...
Is It Spelled Grammar or Grammer? (Definition and Examples) Is it Up to Date or Up-to-Date? (Grammar, Spelling, Hyphenation, Examples) Is It Smooth or Smoothe? (Grammar + Examples) You’re My Rock (Meaning, Origin, Examples) White On Rice (Definition, Meaning, Origin, Examples) ...