Lose is always a verb and is spelled with just one o. Loose is spelled with two o’s and is almost always an adjective (it’s a verb when it means “to release”). Be sure to pay close attention to the context of the sentence to decide which word to use: She doesn’t want to...
Loose & lose : As a verb loose means unfasten or set free while lose means cease to have or become unable to find. Luxuriant & luxurious : Luxuriant means rich and profuse in growth whereas luxurious means characterized by luxury or very comfortable and extravagant. Marital & martial : Ma...
For instance, you might write 'loose' instead of 'lose'. The computer will accept that as correct spelling, but it might not be what you want to say at all. Spell check systems can make you lazy. The English language is complex and spellings can be confusing. So many words seem to ...
Sometimes words can be easy to confuse. This week, your class will spell: dessert and desert; loose and lose; are, our, and hour; then and than; who's and whose; it's and its; accept and except. Spelling Unit C-15 Learn to spell words with the /k/ sound. List includes the fol...
Spelling Demons - Sometimes the words that trip us up are those that are easily-confused with other words, like desert/dessert, lose/loose, and allusion/illusion. Master this list to improve your spelling skills.Hard Spelling Words - This list includes words in which it's sometimes hard to ...
It costs only $12.50 per month to play this quiz and over 3,500 others that help you with your school work. You can subscribe on the page at Join Us Loose and lose are often misspelled words. Practice spelling words beginning with lo to improve your writing skills. "They put me on te...
What is the difference between 'effects' and 'affects'? What is the difference between 'ever' and 'every'? What is the difference between 'weather' and 'whether'? Loose vs Lose: What's the Difference? Effected vs. Affected: What's the Difference? What is the difference between 'later'...
Note the three words, lose, loose, and loss; what is the difference in meaning? Why does chance end with a silent e? change? What other classes of words take a silent e where we should not expect it? What other word pronounced like course? What does it mean? How do you ...
Loose vs lose Whose vs who’s Definitions As well as Bear with me Duly noted For example Presumptuous US vs. UK spellings Dreamt or dreamed Favor or favour Honor or honour Practise or practice Theater vs theatre Frequently asked questions What is a synonym for “every time”? Is “eve...
loose,losepresence,presents mantel,mantleprincipal,principle mat,mattprise,prize maybe,maybeprofit,prophet maybe,maybeprophecy,prophesy meat,meet,metepurpose,propose meter,metrequiet,quite,quit 3 raise,razestyle,stile rapped,rapt,wrappedsummary,summery ...