Define Gram staining. Gram staining synonyms, Gram staining pronunciation, Gram staining translation, English dictionary definition of Gram staining. also Gram's stain n. A staining technique used to classify bacteria in which a bacterial specimen is fir
Gram Stain | Purpose, Theory & Procedure 6:12 7:16 Next Lesson Growing Bacteria in a Lab: Experiments & Conditions Bacterial Growth | Curve, Phases & Generation Time 7:12 Serial Dilution | Definition, Purpose & Calculation 7:36 Differential & Selective Media | Definition & Examples 7...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology The Gram's stain is a microbiological technique to classify bacteria on the basis of their forms, sizes, cell shape, and gram reaction. From: Environmental Biotechnology, 2010
Definition noun, singular: gram-indeterminate bacterium Bacteriathat do not respond togram stainingand, therefore, are indeterminate as eitherGram-positiveorGram-negative Supplement Gram’s method or gram staining is a simple microbiological procedure that enables quick identification of bacterial species as...
Fungi | Definition, Types & Examples 9:33 Ch 2. The Disease Process Ch 3. Biology of Bacteria Ch 4. Foodborne Diseases and Bacterial... Ch 5. Sexually Transmitted Bacterial... Ch 6. Blood-borne Bacterial Diseases Ch 7. Bacterial Diseases of the Respiratory... Ch 8. Bacterial Wound an...
see GRAM'S STAIN. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005 Gram-negative Refers to the property of many bacteria that causes them to not take up color with Gram's stain, a method which is used to identify bacteria. Gram-positive...
Definition noun, singular: gram-positive coccus A group of sphericalbacteriathat retains the violet stain followinggram staining Supplement Gram staining is a useful method for the rapid identification of bacterial species, especially those that are causingdisease. The principle behind the gram staining ...
seeGRAM'S STAIN. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005 Gram-positive Referring to a bacteria that takes on a purplish-black color when exposed to Gram's stain. Mentioned in:Aminoglycosides ...
They appear as Gram-positive cocci in pairs and short chains on Gram stain. Colony morphology is small, gray, and γ-hemolytic. E. faecalis and E. faecium are bile esculin positive, and can grow in 6.5% NaCl. They are also positive for PYR. E. gallolyticus can be differentiated because...
Gram-negative cocci appear pink after a Gram stain procedure because the purple primary dye, crystal violet, is washed out, allowing the red/pink counterstain, safranin, to be visible. Are cocci Gram-negative or Gram-positive? Cocci are round shaped bacteria. They can be Gram-positive or Gram...