grafana接入promethus数据源后,打开dashboard报错Error update options:Bad Gateway,如下图 1、初步怀疑是网络问题,尝试把grafana的相关服务端口都放开了,pushgateway、promethus,curl测试是通的,但还是报错 2、查看grafana日志,未看到异常时间点有明显报错日志 3、尝试重启grafana,配置数据源后恢复...
“URL” 填写 Prometheus 的访问地址,滑到最下方点击 “Save & test” 完成添加,配置正确的情况下会提示 "Data source is working" 的信息。 完成数据源的添加之后就可以在 Grafana 中创建可视化 Dashboard 了,选择左侧Dashboards -> Manage,点击Import,输入 Dashboard 模板编号 2842,点击Load,给 Dashboard 配置...
官方模板dashboard 地址。 比如我们查找node exportet的模板,,有一个模板 downloads 比较多, 它的地址为: 我们在grafana上来设置这个dashboard,import进来: 可以填写id和url,我们填写id,为 8919: 点击lo...
官方模板dashboard 地址。 比如我们查找node exportet的模板,,有一个模板 downloads 比较多, 它的地址为: 我们在grafana上来设置这个dashboard,import进来: 可以填写id和url,我们填写id,为 8919: 点击lo...
When we pull up the Grafana GUI and try to access dashboard we receive: Templating Template variables could not be initialized: Network Error: Bad Gateway(502) Grafana log (from the IOT Edge VM): t=2020-08-04T19:14:35+0000 lvl=eror msg="Data proxy error" logger=data-proxy-log userId...
文件这是我grafana文件夹中的grafana FROM grafana/grafana:8.2.1 ADD ./provisioning /etc/grafana/provisioning ADD ./config.ini /etc/grafana/config.ini ADD ./dashboards /app/grafana/dashboards 这是我的docker-compose.yml ver 浏览8提问于2021-11-10得票数 2...
InfluxDB是一个开源的时间序列数据库,用于存储和处理大规模的时间序列数据。它被广泛应用于监控、物联网、实时分析等领域。 InfluxDB的主要特点包括: 1. 时间序列数据存储:Influx...
Note:If you receive the “Error Bad Gateway” error, try changing theHTTP Accessoption fromServertoBrowser. Import Prometheus Stats as a Dashboard into Grafana Grafana supports Prometheus out-of-the-box and you can easily access the premade Prometheus dashboard. ...
Using Dashboard ID 8159 What happened? Showing various Templating Errors What did youexpectto happen? Work Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with? *[root@d-ifdb-nm ~]# systemctl status grafana-server.service * ...
Getting a 502 Bad Gateway error? Make sure that your URL field is set to HTTPS and not HTTP. If everything is okay,it is time to create our Telegraf dashboard. b– Importing a Grafana dashboard We are not going to create a Grafana dashboard for Telegraf, we are going touse a pre...